User:Jo Weber/Articles

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Division of Western Alps after Rochlitz & Bacher 2006, German

Division of Western Alps after Rochlitz & Bacher 2006, blank

Division of Variscides in Central Europe after Kossmat 1927

Division of Variscides in Germany after Kossmat 1927

Worldwide distribution of variscan orogenies

Situation of the Montagne Noire

French/Italian division of the Alps

Satellite image with outline of Rheinisches Schiefergebirge

Geology of the Rhenish Massif

Geological sketch of Rheinisches Schiefergebirge

Major structures of Rheinisches Schiefergebirges after Walter 1992

Geology of the Ardennes

Geology of Taunus

Geology of Dill Syncline, Siegen Anticline, Wittgenstein Syncline

Geology of Lahn Syncline and Gießen Nappe

Sketch of alpine geology by Woudloper, translated into German

Schema der Eifelflüsse

Geology of the Montagne Noire

Phanerozoic Climate Change (de)

Continental margin (German translation)

Earth's hypsographic curve with German labels

Naturräumliche Gliederung des Taunus

svg-version of TAS-diagram

svg-version of basalt system diagram

Extent of Siberian traps

Earthquakes in China since 186 BC

Schema Alpiner Gebirgsgürtel

Beirut Panorama

Montabaur Alter Bahnhof 2007.png

Hagen-Vorhalle: Spitzfalte

Bouma sequence in a turbidite from Becke-Oese, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Germany