Mike Halterman
Joined 2 July 2008
I contribute most actively to the English Wikipedia.
Babel: en, fr-3, da-3, es-2, pt-2, no-2 |
My babel notes are at the right side of the screen. Keep in mind for every language except English, French and Danish, I function best at these levels in verbal and reading levels, and I am not great at all in writing them back to you.
Here are some of the photos of celebrities, singers, and reality television contestants I've uploaded and received freely licensed for Commons.
Andrea Muizelaar
Whitney Cunningham
CariDee English
Jaslene Gonzalez
Alice Burdeu
Parker Somerville
Melody Thomas Scott
Michelle Stafford
Tricia Cast
Anne Marie David
Edsilia Rombley
Edsilia Rombley with her entourage at Eurovision 2007
The Olsen Brothers
Jessica Garlick
Marie N