Set in Stone Project
Welcome to the Set in Stone Project's Wikimedia Commons account.
This is an educational project run by a single volunteer of the organisation Uncomfortable Oxford. Our goal is to create a free interactive map of all the monuments (statues, public artworks, and plaques) in the city of Oxford, England. To support this project, I aim to create photographs of these monuments and upload them to Wikimedia so that they can find further use in
Our process:
My first step is to take photographs of monuments in Oxford. Then I deposit these photographs onto Wikimedia Commons under a CC-BY-SA license, allowing people to use our images for educational purposes. Next I upload the images onto an interactive map, which will be released sometime in late 2023.
All photographs that this project uploads to Wikimedia Commons are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International License. Although my main motivation to take these images has been to support an upcoming project by an organisation I volunteer for, all the photographs uploaded by this account were created by myself as an individual and do not belong to any organisation.