User talk:Aristeas/Archive 2019
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Derivate QI Promotion
Hallo und ein gesundes neues Jahr, Romanǃ Eigentlich bist Du mir bisher noch gar nicht aufgefallen, "Bisket_Jatra_festival_2018_at_the_Nyatapola_temple,_Bhaktapur" war der Auslöser und auch andere Themen sind Photographen-typisch (alleine Weitwinkel als Brennweiten). Ich finde es gut, wenn der Personenkreis sich nicht nur immer selber "umarmt" sondern den Leuten auch Support in Form von Kategorien (da bin ich etwas sensibeɬ) oder einer komplett neuen Entwicklung anbietet. Es fällt mir oft nicht leicht, eben wie beim Jatra-Festival, es kann nie ein QI sein, zumindest nicht in der Form, andererseits ist es ein ausdrucksstarkes Bild, von denen es in Commons viel zu wenig gibt. Zudem nervt es mich schon massiv, wenn Leute immer auf Regeln verweisen und sich selbst nicht daran halten. Mal einen Staubfleck zu übersehen kann ja passieren, aber nicht in der gleichen Serie und dann derart massiv (unzählig). Es gibt auch technische Themen bei Commons, das jpeg vom Jatra-Festival gehört pausiert, vllt ist der Urheber im Urlaub oder kommt einfach nicht dazu, es wäre schade drum, mehr als eine Neuentwicklung kann ich aber nicht anbieten (macht leider auf jpeg wenig Sinɲ). Oder alleine die nerdige Bedienung der wiki-SW (bin heute wieder am Commons-tool "MyGallery" gescheitert). Vllt trifft man sich mal real - Jedenfalls viel Spaß beim Fotografieren in 2019--Hans-Jürgen Neubert 11:35, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
- Vielen Dank! Auch Dir wünsche ich ein schönes, gesundes und erfolreiches Jahr 2019! Herzliche Grüße, Roman/--Aristeas (talk) 16:22, 5 January 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hirschhorn (Neckar) - Altstadt - Klosterkirche - Innenansicht von SW (2).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Neunkirchen (Baden) - Minneburg - Palas - Innenansicht.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Weinsberg - Altstadt - Kirchstaffel 7 (Mesnerei) - Ansicht von Süden.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Vellberg - Städtle - Altes Amtshaus - Ansicht von SO.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Declined rename request
Hi Aristeas,
ich erlaube mir, dass hier auf Deutsch zu schreiben: Du hast die Umbenennung von Creating the lists of candidates for the election in Germany in 1919. (First election that women could take part in).jpg abgelehnt, mit diesem Diff.
Wahlliste kann zweierlei bedeuten: Kandidatenliste oder Wählerliste. Hier ist ziemlich offensichtlich letzteres gemeint. Kandidatenliste ist definitiv falsch. Deswegen finde ich die Umbenennung angemessen. Vielleicht gibt es noch einen besseren neuen Namen, aber der jetzige ist definitiv irreführend. --Leserättin (talk) 20:20, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Leserättin,
- vielen Dank für Deine Nachricht! Und gut, dass Du nachhackst. Dein Hinweis ist natürlich sehr einleuchtend; leider war dieses Problem (dass „lists of candidates” sachlich' falsch ist) aus dem Umbenennungswunsch nicht ersichtlich. Aufgrund dieses sachlichen Fehlers ist die Umbenennung natürlich auch nach den Richtlinien gerechtfertigt. Ich mache das gleich mal ...
- Herzliche Grüße! --Aristeas (talk) 20:42, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
- Danke. Ich habe bzgl. Rename request-Begründungen dazu gelernt. LG, --Leserättin (talk) 20:59, 10 January 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hirschhorn (Neckar) - Ersheim - Friedhof - Ersheimer Kapelle - Ansicht von SSW mit blühendem Tulpenbaum.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hirschhorn (Neckar) - Ersheim - Friedhof - Ersheimer Kapelle - Chorraum und Altar.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Marbach a.N. - Altstadt - Mittlere Holdergasse 42.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Chinesische Brücke von NO 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Wertheim - Kloster Bronnbach - Barockgarten und Westfassade (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Hohenloher Dorf - Stall-Scheune aus Langensall.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Wiki Loves Earth 2019
Hallo Aristeas,
vom 1. bis 31. Mai 2019 kannst Du wieder beim Fotowettbewerb Wiki Loves Earth Deutschland (WLE 2019) teilnehmen. Gesucht sind selbst aufgenommene Landschafts- und Naturfotos aus Schutzgebieten in Deutschland.
Für die Suche nach Motiven gibt es bei Wikipedia zahlreiche Listen und Karten. Als Einstieg kann diese Übersichtsseite dienen.
WLE 2019 kann nur durchgeführt werden, wenn weitere Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen unser Team verstärken. Es geht unter anderem um die Organisation in der Wikipedia und das Sortieren der Bilder auf Commons. Über Art und Umfang der Beteiligung entscheidest Du selbst.
Wie in den Vorjahren übernimmt eine Vorjury ab Anfang Mai die Vorauswahl der Bilder. Auch daran kannst Du Dich gern beteiligen. Bei Interesse trage Dich bitte unter WLE-Vorjury ein, das Passwort kommt per E-Mail.
Besonders engagierte Freiwillige werden für die Jury benötigt. Wenn Du vom 12. bis 14. Juli in Fulda die besten Bilder küren willst, melde Dich auf der Jury-Seite.
Wir wünschen viel Freude beim Fotografieren,
--GPSLeo (talk) (im Auftrag des Organisationsteams) 17:00, 17 April 2019 (UTC)
Featured Picture Nomination
Hello. I just wanted to let you know that the image Schwetzingen_-_Schlossgarten_-_Chinesische_Brücke_von_NO_1.jpg, which was created or uploaded by you, has been nominated for featured picture status; have a look at the nomination page. Thank you and good luck! Cmao20 (talk) 17:21, 18 April 2019 (UTC)
- Thank you! --Aristeas (talk) 19:20, 18 April 2019 (UTC)
To inform myself ;–) and for the record:
★ This image has been promoted to Featured picture! ★
The image File:Schwetzingen_-_Schlossgarten_-_Chinesische_Brücke_von_NO_1.jpg, which was nominated by Cmao20 at Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Schwetzingen_-_Schlossgarten_-_Chinesische_Brücke_von_NO_1.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so. |
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Chorraum - Gewölbe - Chorschluss.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hadres Kellergasse 18.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Moschee - Nebenraum-Kuppel senkrecht.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Chorraum - Gewölbe (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hessigheim - Rathaus - Fassade mit Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Mittelschiff - Blick zum Chor.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Blick aus dem Naturtheater zum Apollotempel mit Sphingen.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Oberstenfeld - Gronau - Buchtraufweg - Brauner Waldvogel auf Wiesen-Flockenblume.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Beilstein - Billensbach - Hauhechel-Bläuling.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
WLE 2019
Glückwunsch zum ersten Preis und auch noch die anderen dazu! Ausgezeichnete Bilder.--Ermell (talk) 19:28, 18 July 2019 (UTC)
- Vielen lieben Dank für Deinen Glückwünsch! Ich habe Freunden ein paar Tagen beim Hausrenovieren geholfen, habe heute Abend erstmals wieder den Rechner angeschaltet (daher die späte Antwort, sorry) und bin völlig überrrascht – bei so vielen schönen Einsendungen, wie es dieses Jahr gab, habe ich nicht mit einen Platz unter den Top 10 gerechnet. Ich finde es auch sehr schade, dass von den vielen hervorragenden Landschaftsfotos, die Du eingereicht hast (ich habe einige auf der QIC-Seite bewertet), nur ein einziges unter die Top 100 gekommen ist; das verstehe ich wirklich nicht. Irgendwie habe ich das Gefühl, dass ich unverdient viel Glück hatte. Ganz herzliche Grüße --Aristeas (talk) 19:56, 20 July 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hessigheim - Felsengärten - die Kluft mit der Eiche.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
sort on title
Hello, you didn't rename File:Monument de la Pierre d'Haudroy 001pcp.jpg to File: Monument de la Pierre d'Haudroy 001pcp.jpg. I did that request to help another user to sort on title using the external PetScan. So, if possible... Thanks anyhow.--Havang(nl) (talk) 08:01, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
- Hello Havang(nl), the renaming guidelines are rather strict and don’t encourage files named like that ;–). To be helpful, I have renamed this file now as requested and hope it helps. Best, --Aristeas (talk) 08:05, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
- Nice, Thanks.--Havang(nl) (talk) 08:06, 11 August 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kraichtal - Münzesheim - Asiatischer Garten - Teich mit Teehaus von SO.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Wrong selected reason renames for 2 uploads
Hello you have pressed wrong selected reason for rename for 2 uploads that were uploaded by me. You pressed reason if not wrong 'At the original uploader’s request' instead of 'To correct obvious errors in filenames, including misspelled proper nouns, incorrect dates, and misidentified objects or organisms'. The reason for rename of these files were 'To correct obvious errors in filenames, including misspelled proper nouns, incorrect dates, and misidentified objects or organisms', not 'At the original uploader’s request'. I am letting you know that I take false information here seriously. --VKras (talk) 12:42, 16 August 2019 (UTC)
- File:Garage, Mena, Ukraine; 13.08.19.jpg
- File:Garage open, Mena, Ukraine; 13.08.19.jpg
- Hello VKras, thank you for your message! However, I guess we have got a little misunderstanding; I did not want to harm you, but to help you.
- First, the selected criterion for the file renaming does not make any difference to the files themselves, it just states the reason for the file renaming in the record.
- Secondly, if you are the original uploader of both files and have requested the renaming, Criterion 1: “At the original uploader’s request” is not wrong, but clearly applies here. Additionally, Criterion 3: “To correct obvious errors in filenames, including misspelled proper nouns, incorrect dates, and misidentified objects or organism” also applies. But the file renaming guidelines are rather strict. If I, being a filemover, rename a file named with “shed” to “garage”, I have to check and confirm that the image really shows a garage, not a shed. (This check is important – people often request very strange and even obviously wrong file renaming, so as a filemover I really need to check the image and the requested new name to avoid damage.) This was difficult in this case – the images don’t show the interior of the garage, and I can’t tell for sure if such a little building is a shed or a garage (or even a simple barn) just by seing a photo of its outside.
- So, what should I do? There are three possibilities: (1) Not to rename the files and let the work to be done for another filemover; simple but stupid. (2) Just rename the file and assume that it is really a garage; brave, but at some risk. (3) Select criterion 1 for the rename request: I can simply see that you are both the original uploader of the image file and have requested the renaming, so criterion 1 really and obviously applies.
- So I just wanted to help you, and in order to help you fast I have stated as my reason for executing the file rename request criterion 1, because this one obviously applied. It was just the simplest way to help you.
- Best regards, --Aristeas (talk) 13:52, 16 August 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Beilstein - Billensbach - Biene auf Birnenblüte.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bonfeld - Friedhof - Naturdenkmal Ulme im November.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Wiki Loves Monuments 2019
bald ist es soweit: Vom 1. bis zum 30. September 2019 findet zum neunten Mal der internationale Wettbewerb Wiki Loves Monuments statt. Dabei können Bau- und Kulturdenkmale fotografiert und die Fotos hochgeladen werden. Du hast an einem der vergangenen Fotowettbewerbe teilgenommen. Deshalb laden wir dich ein, dieses Jahr wieder mitzumachen. Wir freuen uns auf deine Fotos!
Es sind viele spannende Motive überall in Deutschland zu fotografieren. Neben beeindruckenden märchenhaften Schlössern, Burgen und Kirchen können auch andere Kulturdenkmale wie Brücken, Industrieruinen, Bauernhöfe oder Parks fotografiert werden, um sie unter anderem in der Wikipedia zu dokumentieren. In den letzten Jahren sind zahlreiche neue Denkmallisten entstanden, die sich über Fotos freuen. Für die Suche nach Motiven gibt es bei Wikipedia zahlreiche Listen und Karten. Als Einstieg hilft diese Übersichtsseite. Weitere Informationen erhältst du auf der Mitmach-Seite.
Du bist interessiert, am Wettbewerb mitzuwirken, dir fehlt aber die richtige Technik? Dann wirf doch mal einen Blick in den Technikpool und das Technikleihportal von Wikimedia Deutschland! Dort findest du Kameras, Objektive und Zubehör verschiedenster Art. Sollte noch Technik fehlen, die aber in Zukunft unbedingt benötigt wird, dann freut sich Wikimedia Deutschland über dein Feedback zum Technikpool.
Außerdem laden wir Dich ein, ab Mitte September 2019 an der Vorjury teilzunehmen. Diese bewertet die hochgeladenen Bilder und ermittelt so gemeinsam mit der Jury, die im Oktober tagt, die Sieger von Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in Deutschland. Das Vorjurytool ist hier bald freigeschaltet. Du benötigst dafür nur deinen Benutzernamen und das Passwort.
Für Fragen steht das Organisationsteam gerne auf der Support-Seite zur Verfügung.
Viel Spaß und Erfolg bei größten Fotowettbewerb wünscht dir im Namen des Organisationsteams --Z thomas 14:27, 28 August 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Hall - Altstadt - St. Michael - Chor - Hochaltar (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2019, è iniziato! Il tuo contributo è prezioso!
You're receiving this message because you've previously contributed to the annual Wiki Loves Monuments contest in Italy. We'd be delighted if you would do so again this year and upload your photos to share the italian cultural hertage with the world!!
You can find more details at the Wiki Loves Monuments Italia website and here. If you have images taken in other countries you can check the international participants.
This year's contest runs until 30 September 2019.
If you need help please contact me! --Marta Arosio (WMIT) (talk) 13:24, 5 September 2019 (UTC)
Septembrie 2019: A început Wiki Loves Monuments în România!
Primiți acest mesaj deoarece ați participat anterior la concursul Wiki Loves Monuments România.
Am fi încântați dacă ați participa și în acest an la documentarea fotografică a patrimoniului nostru cultural construit. Pentru detalii și reguli de participare, puteți găsi mai multe informații pe pagina Wiki Loves Monuments România. Dacă aveți fotografii și din alte țări, puteți verifica aici țările participante.
Mulțumim și nu uitați, concursul se desfășoară până pe 30 septembrie! Mult succes!
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 06:08, 7 September 2019 (UTC)
Community Insights Survey
Share your experience in this survey
Hi Aristeas/Archive 2019,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Wikimedia Commons and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
It's Wiki Loves Monuments time again!
Hi Aristeas/Archive 2019!
You are receiving this message because you have previously contributed to the annual Wiki Loves Monuments contest in India. We would be very delighted if you would do so again this year, help record our monuments for future generations and win exciting prizes.
You can find more details in this page. Or, if you have images taken in other countries, you can check the international options. This year's contest runs until 30 September 2019.
(on behalf of Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in India team)--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:15, 10 September 2019 (UTC)
বিশ্বের সর্ববৃহৎ ছবি প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশ নিন
সুপ্রিয় Aristeas,
উইকিমিডিয়া বাংলাদেশ-এর আয়োজনে দেশের প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক ও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্থাপনার ছবি নিয়ে বাংলাদেশে চতুর্থবারেরমত চলছে বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে বড় ছবি প্রতিযোগিতা উইকি লাভস মনুমেন্টস ২০১৯। ১ সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে শুরু হওয়া মাসব্যাপী স্থায়ী প্রতিযোগিতাটি ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর পর্যন্ত চলবে। প্রতিযোগিতা পাতায় দেয়া বাংলাদেশের গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্থাপনার তালিকা থেকে যেকোন সময় তোলা যেকোন স্থাপনার ছবি যত খুশি আপলোড করা যাবে। বিজয়ীদের জন্য আলাদাভাবে আন্তর্জাতিক ও জাতীয় পুরস্কার রয়েছে।
- ২০১৯ সালের প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশগ্রহণ সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত জানতে ভিজিট করুন: উইকি লাভস মনুমেন্টস ২০১৯।
- প্রতিযোগিতা সংক্রান্ত ব্লগ পোস্টে বিস্তারিত: উইকি লাভস মনুমেন্টস ২০১৯ শুরু।
আপনি যদি টুইটার ও ফেসবুকে থাকেন, তাহলে হালনাগাদ সংবাদ ও আরো তথ্যের জন্য @WLMBangladesh অনুসরণ করুন।
আপনার যদি কোনও প্রশ্ন থাকে, তাহলে নিঃসংকোচে ইমেইল করুন wlm ঠিকানায়। আসুন সবাই মিলে উইকিপিডিয়ার মাধ্যমে বাংলাদেশকে বিশ্ব দরবারে তুলে ধরি। ধন্যবাদ! আপনি এই বার্তাটি পাচ্ছেন কারণ আপনি এর পূর্বে উইকিমিডিয়া বাংলাদেশ আয়োজিত প্রতিযোগিতায় অংশ নিয়েছিলেন
#wlmBangladesh আয়োজক কমিটির পক্ষে,
নাহিদ সুলতান, মঙ্গলবার ২০:২৮, ০৩ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৯ (ইউটিসি)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bad Rappenau - Saline - Salinenamtsgebäude - Ansicht von Westen.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:42, 21 September 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schloss - Ansicht von Osten über den Ehrenhof.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 12 October 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Widdern - Gemmingensches Schloss - Ansicht vom Jagstufer.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 20 October 2019 (UTC)
WLM 2019
Gratuliere zu der reichen Ausbeute. Das sieht aber nach einem (verdienten) Rekord aus. Tolle Bilder und saubere Arbeit.--Ermell (talk) 19:46, 30 October 2019 (UTC)
- Hallo Ermell, vielen Dank für Deine Glückwünsche! Ich habe (Grippe) gerade erst Deine Nachricht gelesen und das WLM-Ergebnis angesehen. Ich bin, ähnlich wie dieses Jahr schon bei WLE, sprachlos, weil ich ein solches Ergebnis ehrlich nicht erwartet hätte. Einige meiner Bilder hätte ich selbst nie unter die Top 100 gewählt (z.B. Nr. 21, 35, 42, 59, 85 wegen dem störenden Auto, das leider einfach nicht wegfahren wollte …). Dafür fehlen unter den Top 100 viele tolle Aufnahmen von Dir und anderen (z.B. Poco), die ich ganz sicher unter den Preisträgern erwartet hätte. Dein Foto der Schmiedewerkstatt (jetzt Platz 20) mit dem wunderbaren dezenten Licht war für mich ein klarer Favorit für Platz 1 bis 3, und ich hätte zahlreiche weitere Deiner Freilandmuseums-Bilder usw. unter den ersten 100 gesehen. Ich kann mich natürlich absolut nicht über die Entscheidung der Jury beschweren ;–), aber ich bin sehr froh, wenn Du Dich nicht über mich ärgerst, denn auch aus meiner Sicht ist das Ergebnis Dir gegenüber
fastschon ziemlich unfair. Ganz herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüße! --Aristeas (talk) 12:44, 1 November 2019 (UTC) / Roman
Hi Aristeas, I have nominated one of your shots at FPC. I wondered if you would want to write an English description for it to go with the German one; if not, I will do it myself, but I thought I'd better ask you first as the creator. Cmao20 (talk) 11:27, 2 November 2019 (UTC)
- Hi Cmao20, thank you very very much for nominating my photo! I will provide an English description. Maybe you could take a look at it and fix grammar/style errors, if you spot one … because I feel that your English is much better than my one ;-). Thank you again! --Aristeas (talk) 17:50, 2 November 2019 (UTC)
3., 5., 6. und 7. Platz Wiki Loves Monuments 2019/Deutschland
Hallo Aristeas!
Danke für deine Teilnahme beim Fotowettbewerb Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in Deutschland. Die Jury hat getagt und ich freue mich dir mitteilen können, dass Du mit den nebenstehenden Bildern den 3., 5., 6. und 7. Platz erreicht hast.
Alle ausgezeichneten Fotos findest du auf Wiki Loves Monuments 2019/Deutschland/Preisträger.
Eine würdevolle Preisverleihung war schon in der Planungsphase des Wettbewerbs geplant. Leider haben Gespräche mit einer Mehrzahl von möglichen Kooperationspartnern noch nicht das erwünschte Ergebnis erbracht. Diesen Teil der Preises müssen wir also leider noch vertagen.
Über die weiteren Modalidäten der Preisverleihung informieren wir Dich noch in einer persönlichen Mail.
Für den Internationalen Wettbewerb wünschen wir Dir noch viel Erfolg!
Wiki Loves Monumens ist ein Wettbewerb von Freiwilligen für Freiwillige. Er steht und fällt mit dem Engagement dieser Freiwilligen. Jahr für Jahr wird darüber diskutiert, wie man den Wettbewerb im Sinne aller Beteiligten optimieren kann. Besonders nach dem Wettbewerb ist das Engagement in diesem Sinne immer sehr stark. Über das Jahr wird davon kaum etwas umgesetzt und der Wettbewerb beginnt wieder quasi bei Null.
Wollen wir so weitermachen? Wo siehst Du Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Deutschland? Teile uns bitte Deine Erfahrungen auf der Feedbackseite zum Wettbewerb mit. Und überlege vielleicht selbst,
wie Du zum Gelingen des nächsten Wettbewerbs beitragen kannst.
Liebe Grüße --Wuselig (talk) 17:27, 7 November 2019 (UTC)
Important message for file movers
A community discussion has been closed where the consensus was to grant all file movers the suppressredirect
user right. This will allow file movers to not leave behind a redirect when moving files and instead automatically have the original file name deleted. Policy never requires you to suppress the redirect, suppression of redirects is entirely optional.
Possible acceptable uses of this ability:
- To move recently uploaded files with an obvious error in the file name where that error would not be a reasonable redirect. For example: moving "Sheep in a tree.jpg" to "Squirrel in a tree.jpg" when the image does in fact depict a squirrel.
- To perform file name swaps.
- When the original file name contains vandalism. (File renaming criterion #5)
Please note, this ability should be used only in certain circumstances and only if you are absolutely sure that it is not going to break the display of the file on any project. Redirects should never be suppressed if the file is in use on any project. When in doubt, leave a redirect. If you forget to suppress the redirect in case of file name vandalism or you are not fully certain if the original file name is actually vandalism, leave a redirect and tag the redirect for speedy deletion per G2.
The malicious or reckless breaking of file links via the suppressredirect
user right is considered an abuse of the file mover right and is grounds for immediate revocation of that right. This message serves as both a notice that you have this right and as an official warning. Questions regarding this right should be directed to administrators. --Majora (talk) 21:35, 7 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Stuttgart - West - Johanneskirche - Ansicht von OSO mit See quer.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 8 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Blick aus dem Naturtheater zum Apollotempel mit Sphingen 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:30, 10 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Freilichtmuseum Beuren - Weberhaus aus Laichingen - Ansicht von ONO.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Oppenweiler - Wasserschloss - Ansicht von SSW über den See.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 11 November 2019 (UTC)
FP Promotion
The image File:Tübingen - Altstadt - Neckarfront - Ansicht von Neckarinsel mit Stocherkahn.jpg, that you uploaded is now assessed as one of the finest pictures on Wikimedia Commons, the nomination is available at Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Tübingen - Altstadt - Neckarfront - Ansicht von Neckarinsel mit Stocherkahn.jpg. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate, please do so at this nomination page. |
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Beilstein - Burg Hohenbeilstein und Unteres Schloss - Ansicht vom Birkenweg mit Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:34, 12 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Neckarfront - Ansicht von Neckarinsel mit Stocherkahn.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Mosbach - Altstadt - Marktplatz - Südostseite mit Bad- und Schlossgasse.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Moscheehof - Wandelgang 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:23, 15 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Hall - Comburg - Ansicht vom Festplatz Steinbach.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Speyer - Altstadt - Altpörtel - Blick auf Domfassade und Kirchtürme mit Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:21, 16 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bad Rappenau - Bonfeld - Rappenauer Straße 7 - frontal.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Hall - Altstadt - Am Markt 9 - Ansicht.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 18 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Freilichtmuseum Beuren - Schafstall aus Schlaitdorf - Ansicht von SW.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Weinlandschaft - Gemeindebackhaus aus Beilstein - Ansicht von SW.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Moschee - Ansicht über den Moscheeweiher im Herbst 1.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 19 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Hall - Altstadt - Weiler - Henkersbrücke, Johanniterkirche, Im Weiler 2-6 via Kocher.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kirchberg an der Jagst - Altstadt - Poststraße 37 und Stadtturm (2019).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:15, 20 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Miltenberg - Altstadt - Schnatterloch - Hauptstraße 185 und Marktbrunnen.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Technik - Getreidelagerhaus - Ansicht von WSW mit Abendlicht.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Oberstenfeld - Burg Lichtenberg - Ansicht von WSW (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 22 November 2019 (UTC)
Nicht päpstlicher als der Papst
Hallo Aristeas, Du schreibst bei der Bewertung eines Fotos unter anderem: „Wir wollen nicht päpstlicher sein als der Papst.“ Das ist grundsätzlich richtig, gilt aber offenbar nicht in jedem Fall. Schau Dir dazu das Review zu dem ebenfalls heute vorgestellten Foto eines VW Passat an. Ich könnte an diesem Bild vielleicht noch arbeiten, wenn ich genau wüsste, was der Kritiker meint, aber dazu habe ich einfach keine Lust. Oft habe ich den Eindruck, als spiele der Name des Nominators eines Fotos eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle für die Bewertung. Viele Grüße -- Lothar Spurzem (talk) 20:40, 24 November 2019 (UTC)
- Hallo Lothar, ich kann nur für mich selbst sprechen. Ich bemühe mich sehr, den Namen des Nominators immer möglichst erst mal zu ignorieren und einfach nur das Bild genau anzusehen. So habe ich (das ließe sich in den QI-Archiven auch nachsehen) auch bei bekannten Kollegen wie Ermell, Moroder und Poco schon Hinweise auf CAs u.Ä. Fehler gegeben und die Fotos erst danach „promoviert“. Umgekehrt versuche ich auch immer wieder, gerade die gerne übersehenen Fotos weniger bekannter Mitstreiter zu „promovieren“ – wenn sie denn gut sind.
- Die Sache mit Deinem Foto des VW Passat ist mehr als blöd gelaufen – die Kritik mit den verwaschenen Farben habe ich schon heute Nachmittag gelesen und fand sie absurd. Keine Ahnung, was da dem Kollegen für eine Laus über die Leber gelaufen war, ich kenne ihn nicht. Gerne hätte ich diese Bewertung von „Decline“ auf „Discuss“ geändert und mit Support für das Bild gestimmt, aber Du hattest die Nominierung leider schon abgebrochen. Das kann ich vollkommen verstehen – bei einem solchen Kommentar ist man zu recht frustriert –, aber auf diese Weise konnte ich leider nichts mehr machen. Ich weiß nicht, ob die Regeln es erlauben, eine abgebrochene Nominierung wieder zu aktivieren bzw. das Bild einfach nochmals zu nominieren, aber falls ja, setze ich mich gerne für dieses Foto ein – und ebenso für andere Fotos, deren Ablehnung ich als falsch empfinde.
- Herzliche Grüße, --Aristeas (talk) 20:58, 24 November 2019 (UTC)
- Vielen Dank, Aristeas. Ich glaube schon, dass man eine zurückgezogene Nominierung wieder aktivieren kann. Aber lassen wir's. Diesem Kritiker scheine ich nicht zu liegen und meinetwegen soll er recht behalten. QI ist ja nichts Lebenswichtiges. Andererseits freut man sich, wenn ein Foto, bei dem man sich etwas dachte und an dem man vielleicht sogar noch ein bisschen gearbeitet hat, positiv bewertet wird. Diesen Passat sah ich heute Morgen zufällig vor dem schönen alten Haus, ging zurück, um den Fotoapparat zu holen, machte paar Bilder und bearbeitete eins davon. Wie oft sieht man aber vor allem Bilder von Autos, von denen man den Eindruck hat, da sei die Kamera eben mal so hingehalten, das Ergebnis mit allen Mängeln bei QIC vorgestellt und anschließend als Qualitätsbild hochgejubelt worden. Herzliche Grüße -- Lothar Spurzem (talk) 21:29, 24 November 2019 (UTC)
- Sorry für die späte Antwort (war unterwegs), Lothar! Was viele der Fotos von Autos angeht, die auf QIC präsentiert werden, bin ich ganz Deiner Meinung, v.a. bei den auf Messen gemachten Bildern; aber ich halte mich da normalerweise raus, weil ich kein Experte für Autofotos bin. Man sollte sich entscheiden, finde ich: Wenn jemand möglichst viele Fotos machen und hochladen möchte (ob das nun von Autos oder Häusern ist), gut, dann sollte er/sie aber diese Bilder normalerweise nicht als QI vorschlagen. Will man dagegen gute Fotos machen, dann braucht das eben seine Zeit, sowohl bei der Aufnahme wie ggf. auch bei der Nachbearbeitung … dann muss man eben auf Massen verzichten.
- Wie Du vielleicht auf der QIC-Seite gesehen hast, habe ich angefangen, öfter mal einer Bewertung zu widersprechen (also auf Discuss zu ändern). Ich habe mich bisher darum herumgedrückt, weil ich Konflikte nicht sonderlich mag, aber wenn ich konsequent sein will, muss ich eben auch mal widersprechen, ob nun zur Verteidigung eines Fotos oder auch zur Kritik eines voreilig „promovierten“ Bildes. Herzliche Grüße, --Aristeas (talk) 11:34, 26 November 2019 (UTC)
- Vielen Dank, Aristeas. Ich glaube schon, dass man eine zurückgezogene Nominierung wieder aktivieren kann. Aber lassen wir's. Diesem Kritiker scheine ich nicht zu liegen und meinetwegen soll er recht behalten. QI ist ja nichts Lebenswichtiges. Andererseits freut man sich, wenn ein Foto, bei dem man sich etwas dachte und an dem man vielleicht sogar noch ein bisschen gearbeitet hat, positiv bewertet wird. Diesen Passat sah ich heute Morgen zufällig vor dem schönen alten Haus, ging zurück, um den Fotoapparat zu holen, machte paar Bilder und bearbeitete eins davon. Wie oft sieht man aber vor allem Bilder von Autos, von denen man den Eindruck hat, da sei die Kamera eben mal so hingehalten, das Ergebnis mit allen Mängeln bei QIC vorgestellt und anschließend als Qualitätsbild hochgejubelt worden. Herzliche Grüße -- Lothar Spurzem (talk) 21:29, 24 November 2019 (UTC)
FP Promotion
The image File:Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Moschee - Ansicht über den Moscheeweiher im Herbst 1.jpg, that you uploaded is now assessed as one of the finest pictures on Wikimedia Commons, the nomination is available at Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Moschee - Ansicht über den Moscheeweiher im Herbst 1.jpg. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate, please do so at this nomination page. |
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Chorraum - Gewölbe - Schlussstein Madonna mit Kind.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Waiblingen - Altstadt - Kirchbrücke - Blick auf Nikolauskirche und Bürgermühle mit blühender Kastanie (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kirchberg an der Jagst - Altstadt - Stadtkirche - Ansicht von Süden.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dörzbach - Hohebach - Jüdischer Friedhof - Ansicht 1.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Freilichtmuseum Beuren - Haus aus Öschelbronn - Ansicht von NW.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Mosbach - Altstadt - Schlossgasse 2 und Schlossgasse 8 (Schwanen).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bad Rappenau - Kernstadt - Stadtkirche - Ansicht von Süden mit Abendlicht.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Weinlandschaft - Weingärtnerhaus aus Verrenberg - Ansicht frontal.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Waibstadt - Jüdischer Friedhof - ältester Teil - Grabsteine im Herbstlaub.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Miltenberg - Altstadt - Hauptstraße 131–135 - Ansicht mit Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Miltenberg - Altstadt - Burgweg 58 (Villa Winterhelt) - Ansicht von SW.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Freilichtmuseum Beuren - Wohn- und Wirtschaftsgebäude aus Tamm - Ansicht von OSO.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Hall - Altstadt - St. Michael - Chor - Gewölbe über dem Altar.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Östringen - Tiefenbach - Kreuzbergkapelle - Deckenbild mit Heiligem Geist.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 06:33, 27 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Hall - Altstadt - Kocherfront - Ansicht vom Sulfersteg (2).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:31, 28 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kirchberg an der Jagst - Altstadt - Kirchstraße 28 und 30.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Oberstenfeld - Burg Lichtenberg - Ansicht von WSW (2).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Vellberg - Städtle - Wehrgang - Innenansicht 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:33, 29 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bad Rappenau - Bonfeld - Rappenauer Straße 7 und 9 (Krone) von SSW.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dinkelsbühl - Altstadt - Weinmarkt 3 (Deutsches Haus) im Gegenlicht.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Gundelsheim - Altstadt - St. Nikolaus - Frühmess-Kapelle - Anna-Altar - Anna selbdritt.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:32, 30 November 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Badhaus - Ansicht von NO.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Sakristei - Gewölbe mit Marien-Schlussstein (2).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Vellberg - Stöckenburg - Martinskirche - Martinsaltar - Mittelteil.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:29, 1 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Beilstein - Altstadt - Unteres Schloss - Ansicht von der Hauptstraße mit Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Beuren (bei Nürtingen) - Nikolauskirche - Ölberggruppe.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dinkelsbühl - Altstadt - Münster St. Georg - Ansicht mit Kleiner Bastei über die Wörnitzinsel.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:29, 2 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Speyer - Altstadt - Altpörtel - Blick über Maximilianstraße auf Domfassade mit Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Speyer - Altstadt - Dreifaltigkeitskirche - Deckengemälde - Ansicht 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Mittelschiff - Gewölbe.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:38, 3 December 2019 (UTC)
Thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019! Please help with this survey.
Dear Aristeas,
Thank you for contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments 2019, and for sharing your pictures with the whole world! We would like to ask again a few minutes of your time. Thanks to the participation of people like you, the contest gathered more than 210K+ pictures of cultural heritage objects from more than 40 countries around the world.
You can find all your pictures in your upload log, and are of course very welcome to keep uploading images and help develop Wikimedia Commons, even though you will not be able to win more prizes (just yet). If you'd like to start editing relevant Wikipedia articles and share your knowledge with other people, please go to the Wikipedia Welcome page for more information, guidance, and help.
To make future contests even more successful than this year, we would like to invite you to share your experiences with us in a short survey. Please fill in this short survey, and help us learn what you liked and didn't like about Wiki Loves Monuments 2019.
Kind regards,
the Wiki Loves Monuments team 12:33, 3 December 2019 (UTC)
- Thank you! I have participated in the survey. --Aristeas (talk) 12:45, 3 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Weinlandschaft - historisches Flurkreuz (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - Moschee - Ansicht über den Moscheeweiher im Herbst 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Gmünd - Altstadt - Heilig-Kreuz-Münster - Innenansicht - Blick zum Altar (2).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:29, 4 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dinkelsbühl - Altstadt - Kapuzinerweg 1, Dreikönigstürmlein, Grüner Turm.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Beilstein - Altstadt - Rathaus - Ansicht von SW mit Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Freilichtmuseum Beuren - Weberhaus aus Laichingen - Ansicht von Osten.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:33, 6 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Gmünd - Altstadt - Heilig-Kreuz-Münster - Gewölbe des Kirchenschiffs.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dinkelsbühl - Altstadt - Turmstraße - Blick auf Turm von St. Georg und Wirtshausschild.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Freilichtmuseum Beuren - Haus aus Öschelbronn - Ansicht von NNW.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:34, 7 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwäbisch Hall - Comburg - Südostansicht aus dem Tal 2.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hirschhorn (Neckar) - Altstadt - Klosterkirche - Innenansicht von SW (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Tübingen - Altstadt - Stiftskirche - Sakristei - Gewölbe mit Marien-Schlussstein (1).jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:20, 8 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Hohenloher Dorf - Haus Frank - Ansicht über Bauerngarten 1.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Oberstenfeld - Burg Lichtenberg - Ansicht von Westen im Winter.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Oberzent - Friedhof Sensbach - Friedhofskapelle - Glockenturm.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:25, 9 December 2019 (UTC)
Gracias por cambiar el nombre de la foto de la Thymelaea hirsuta
Te agradezco que hayas cambiado el nombre al archivo.
Un saludo cordial,
--Yolanda95 (talk) 20:48, 8 December 2019 (UTC)Yolanda95
- ¡De nada! Saludos cordiales, --Aristeas (talk) 14:00, 10 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Beilstein - Billensbach - Birnbaum am Weg nach Stocksberg in Blüte.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dörzbach - Hohebach - Ansicht vom Nordhang des Jagsttales.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Dörzbach - Jagst - Bäume am Ufer mit Spiegelung in Abendsonne.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:26, 10 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bad Wimpfen - Gewann Obere Höhe - Streuobstwiese und Bäume mit Raureif.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bad Wimpfen - LSG Altenberg-Mittelberg - Streuobstwiese mit Raureif.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Bad Rappenau - Kernstadt - Stadtkirche - Ansicht von Süden in blauer Stunde.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 11 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Hohenloher Freilandmuseum - Baugruppe Technik - Bahnhofsgebäude - Ansicht mit Abendlicht.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Schwetzingen - Schlossgarten - herbstlicher Blick von Westen auf Apollotempel.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:19, 14 December 2019 (UTC)
Quality Image Promotion
Your image has been reviewed and promoted
Congratulations! Kirchberg an der Jagst - Altstadt - Hofgarten - Orangerie - Ansicht von S.jpg, which was produced by you, was reviewed and has now been promoted to Quality Image status. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so at Quality images candidates. We also invite you to take part in the categorization of recently promoted quality images.
--QICbot (talk) 05:34, 17 December 2019 (UTC)
Invitation to participate in Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 Participant Survey (Reminder)
Dear Aristeas,
Thank you for contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments 2019, and for sharing your pictures with the whole world! We would like to ask again a few minutes of your time. Thanks to the participation of people like you, the contest gathered more than 210K+ pictures of cultural heritage objects from more than 40 countries around the world.
You can find all your pictures in your upload log, and are of course very welcome to keep uploading images and help develop Wikimedia Commons, even though you will not be able to win more prizes (just yet). If you'd like to start editing relevant Wikipedia articles and share your knowledge with other people, please go to the Wikipedia Welcome page for more information, guidance, and help.
To make future contests even more successful than this year, we would like to invite you to share your experiences with us in a short survey. Please fill in this short survey, and help us learn what you liked and didn't like about Wiki Loves Monuments 2019.
Kind regards,
the Wiki Loves Monuments team 03:43, 23 December 2019 (UTC)
Re: Merry Christmas and a happy 2020! ;–)
Hallo Aristeas, vielen Dank für deine Wünsche! Ich hoffe auch, dass du eine erholsame und frohe Zeit verbringst und wünsche dir nur das Beste für 2020! Poco a poco (talk) 11:44, 24 December 2019 (UTC)
Happy holidays 2020!
Frohe Weihnacht
--Wolfgang Moroder (talk) 13:51, 24 December 2019 (UTC)
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas Aristeas | |
Hi Aristeas, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas |