Category:Home fronts

English: Home front describes the effect of the war "at home" and the interaction of civilians in their country's war effort, industry, agriculture. It is the informal term commonly used to describe the civilian populace of the nation at war.
 See also category: Economies during war.
<nowiki>fronte interno; arrière; тыл страны; Heimatfront; Frente de batalha em casa; جبهه خانگی; 大後方; Frontul intern; 大後方; 銃後; hemmafront; Front wewnętrzny; עורף; thuisfront; 大後方; Домашній фронт; domača fronta; kotirintama; home front; جبهة داخلية; 大后方; Front interior; vključenost civilnega prebivalstva v sovražnosti, kadar je dejanska frontna črta zunaj življenjskih območij prebivalstva; territoire éloigné des combats participant à l'effort de guerre; היפוכה של החזית בעת מלחמה; persones i territoris contribuint a un esforç de guerra sense estar implicats en combats; Einbeziehung der Zivilbevölkerung in Kriegshandlungen, wenn die eigentliche Front außerhalb der Lebensräume der Bevölkerung liegt; sotaa käyvän valtion siviiliväestöstä käytetty termi; people and territories contributing to a war effort without being involved in combat; tipo di fronte; люди та території, які беруть участь у військових діях, не залучаючись до бойових дій; zaledje; notranja fronta; front intérieur; arrière (militaire); אוכלוסייה אזרחית; домашний фронт; الجبهة الداخلية; тил; прибудинкова територія; جبههٔ خانگی; hátország; Frontul intern în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial</nowiki>
home front 
people and territories contributing to a war effort without being involved in combat
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  • economic activity
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Wikidata Q703006 U.S. National Archives Identifier: 10676680
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This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total.




Association 1