Leontodon hispidus
species of plant
- English: bristly hawkbit, rough hawkbit
- azərbaycanca: Tüklü külbaba
- беларуская: Лаганец шурпатаваласісты
- čeština: máchelka srstnatá
- Cymraeg: Peradyl garw
- dansk: Stivhåret borst
- Deutsch: Steifhaariger Löwenzahn, Gemeiner Löwenzahn
- eesti: Kare seanupp
- suomi: kesämaitiainen
- français: léontodon variable
- Gaeilge: Crág phortáin gharbh
- magyar: Közönséges oroszlánfog
- հայերեն: Առյուծատամ խոզանավոր
- norsk bokmål: lodneføllblom
- Nederlands: Ruige leeuwentand, ruige leeuwentand
- polski: Brodawnik zwyczajny
- русский: Кульбаба щетинистая
- slovenčina: púpavec srstnatý
- slovenščina: navadni jajčar
- svenska: Sommarfibbla
- українська: Любочки шорсткі
- 中文: 糙毛狮牙苣
- 中文(简体): 狮牙苣, 糙毛狮齿菊
APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: Angiosperms • Cladus: eudicots • Cladus: core eudicots • Cladus: superasterids • Cladus: asterids • Cladus: euasterids II • Ordo: Asterales • Familia: Asteraceae • Subfamilia: Cichorioideae • Tribus: Cichorieae • Genus: Leontodon • Species: Leontodon hispidus L. (1753)
Leontodon hispidus
Leontodon hispidus
Leontodon hispidus
on the german island Hiddensee -
Leontodon hispidus
Leontodon hispidus
leaves, on the german island Hiddensee -
Achenes with feathery flying hair
Surface of leaf with long-stalked 2- to 3-fid hairs
Edge of leaf with long-stalked 2- to 3-fid hairs
Capitulum, on the right opened
Capitulum, opened
Capitulum, opened
Achene with pappus
Subspecies - Varietas - Forma
Leontodon hispidus
subsp. danubialis -
Leontodon hispidus
ssp. hyoseroides -
Leontodon hispidus
ssp. hyoseroides
Leontodon hispidus
plate 548 in:
C.A.M Lindman:
Bilder ur Nordens Flora
first edition: (1901-1905)
supp. edition (1917-1926)