Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson
English: Mariquita Sánchez de Thompson
Contemporary portraits
Portrait of Sánchez with her children by Jean-Philippe Goulu, c. 1830. Museo Histórico Nacional, Buenos Aires.
Miniature portrait by Jean-Philippe Goulu, c. 1837. Museo Histórico Nacional, Buenos Aires.
Reproduction of Jean-Philippe Goulu's miniature portrait.
Portrait of Sánchez in her San Isidro estate by Johann Moritz Rugendas, 1845. Museo Histórico Nacional, Buenos Aires.
Daguerreotype of Sánchez attributed to Antonio Pozzo, c. 1854. Museo Histórico Nacional, Buenos Aires.
Posthumous depictions
Sánchez singing the National Anthem in her salon in a painting by Pedro Subbercasseaux made on the occasion of the 1910 Centennial celebrations. Museo Histórico Nacional, Buenos Aires.
The Patricias Argentinas gathered to make a donation for the purchase of rifles for the patriot army. Painting by José Gerompini, c. 1910s. Museo Histórico Nacional, Buenos Aires.
Fanny Navarro as Sánchez and Carlos Cores as her first husband Martín Thompson in the 1954 Argentine film El grito sagrado, directed by Luis César Amadori.
Letter of attorney written to Martín Thompson to present to Viceroy Rafael de Sobremonte as part of their disenso case, 11 July 1804.
Letter to Esteban Echeverría, c. 1830s.
Letter to politician José Rondeau requesting data on a decree abolishing bullfights, 29 January 1842.
Letter to politician Felipe de Arana, communicating her arrival to Buenos Aires, 8 March 1843.
Handwritten page of Recuerdos del Buenos Ayres virreinal, a 1860s letter-memoir published posthumously in 1953.