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- File:Egyptian cotton news letter (IA egyptiancottonn1936unit 8).pdf (matches file content)ORLEANS The quotation for Middling Spot cotton on the NeF Orleans market for Ocbober 1G, as reported in tfce Commercial and Financial Chronicle of October 17...(775 × 1,112 (575 KB)) - 11:01, 21 August 2024
- DescriptionMather at the Freedom Wall, 17 Ocbober 2004.jpg English: Lee R. Mather, Jr. at the WWII Memorial Freedom Wall, 17 October 2004 Date 17 October...(960 × 621 (109 KB)) - 16:13, 26 May 2021
- File:Leeuwarder courant 25-09-1821 (IA ddd 010580837 mpeg21).pdf (matches file content)WIJMBRITSERADEELS cum annp.xts CONTRIBUTIE ZEEDIJKEN, prefenteert ,op Dingsdag den 2 Ocbober eerstkomende, des morgens ten elf uren ,in het Wapen van Sneek, ce Sneek...(1,739 × 3,012 (604 KB)) - 11:58, 23 December 2021
- File:A popular history of Ireland (microform) - from the earliest period to the emancipation of the Catholics (IA cihm 91107).pdf (matches file content)his honor on days answeriug to the lar first of Jlay and last of Ocbober. gods of poots, champions, among the There wore also particuand mariners...(1,177 × 1,406 (22.71 MB)) - 05:19, 30 June 2023
- File:History of Paxton Church (IA historyofpaxtonc00down).pdf (matches file content)meeting of Presbytery at Pequa, October oth, 1737, Mr, Elder The next day, (Ocbober 6th), Presbytery was present with his credentials. appointed him to supply...(835 × 1,375 (4.19 MB)) - 17:07, 20 July 2020
- File:Customs gazette. Volume 19 (Special series No.2), September - March 1880. (IA s3131id1390170).pdf (matches file content)Sar TON Septem Ler wena ease dee ovass 87 68 83 68 9 6:07 alto Ocbober vanes sce otence teoie sass 74 50 Vie 50 6 2.96 ah November vere...(1,189 × 1,560 (8.23 MB)) - 23:33, 17 December 2024
- File:Poultry feeds and feeding (IA poultryfeedsfeed00gutt).pdf (matches file content)to be supplied by supplements to the ration is vitamin D. From April to Ocbober the sunlight provides sufficient ultra violet rays to make a deficiency...(1,172 × 1,818 (7.27 MB)) - 02:32, 6 January 2023
- File:Report 1895 (IA b28906044).pdf (matches file content)bidy biiab I advised you a prosecubion could hardly be susbained. In Ocbober, in obedience bo a lebber from yoix Clerk, I inspecbed a house ab Avonnoubh...(1,195 × 1,893 (1.8 MB)) - 18:39, 21 August 2024
- File:The feed situation (IA feedsituation135unit).pdf (matches file content)T II E F E D SI T U A T I M tiG Outlook and Situation Board, Ocbober 10, 17^2 Approved sumRY Supplies or feed grains and other concentrates...(1,222 × 1,852 (2.82 MB)) - 01:37, 21 August 2024
- File:Trade in grain futures - issued monthly by Grain Futures Administration, United States Department of Agriculture (IA CAT11085332210).pdf (matches file content)000 bushels 997 8,396 2 3 May 8 U , XOc i7X t t 1 t t 1952 Ocbober 1 t s 1 ft t All futures t 1,000 bushels C^t.O 9 c , ooc 9 QACi...(1,104 × 1,564 (2.17 MB)) - 15:12, 20 August 2024
- File:Appendix H- Combined operational plan, hydraulics & hydrology, annex 3, baseline and alternative modeling assumptions - USACE-p16021coll7-13360.pdf (matches file content)project,ed to ri!'; !! .oo.'e 10. 7 5 fe et,. GVD (IOP Zone A) dl.l ri~; Ocbober-, b.2d on ,considention of project,l!d inflow.s omd , r.inf.i ll. 1-5-12...(1,275 × 1,650 (8.22 MB)) - 08:49, 12 November 2024