Trifolium campestre
species of plant
- English: field clover, hop trefoil, low hop clover
- العربية: نفل حقلي
- مصرى: نفل حقلى
- azərbaycanca: Çöl yoncası
- беларуская: Канюшына палявая
- български: полска детелина
- català: Trèvol groc
- čeština: jetel ladní
- Cymraeg: Meillionen hopysaidd
- dansk: Gul Kløver
- Deutsch: Feld-Klee, Feldklee, Gelber Ackerklee
- español: estrebo, fenarda, fernada, garbancillo, trebo, trébol amarillo, trébol dorado, trébol, trébole, trébolo, trebu, tremoncillo, triégule
- eesti: Lamav ristik
- فارسی: شبدر زرد
- suomi: rentoapila
- français: Trèfle champêtre, Trefle couche, Trèfle couché, trèfle des champs, Trèfle jaune
- Gaeilge: Seamair dhuimhche
- עברית: תלתן חקלאי
- hornjoserbsce: Smažny dźećel, Smužkaty dźećel
- հայերեն: dashtayin
- íslenska: Engjasmári
- 日本語: クスダマツメクサ
- kernowek: mellyon hoppys
- lietuvių: Ganyklinis dobilas
- latviešu: Lauka āboliņš
- македонски: Полска детелина
- эрзянь: Паксянь вараканьпал
- norsk bokmål: Krabbekløver
- Nederlands: liggende klaver
- norsk: Krabbekløver
- polski: Koniczyna różnoogonkowa
- português: trevão, trevo-amarelo
- русский: Клевер полевой
- slovenčina: ďatelinka poľná
- svenska: Jordklöver
- Türkçe: Tarla üçgülü
- українська: Конюшина лучна, Конюшина рівнинна
- 中文: 草原车轴草
- 中文(简体): 草原车轴草
APG IV Classification: Domain: Eukaryota • (unranked): Archaeplastida • Regnum: Plantae • Cladus: Angiosperms • Cladus: eudicots • Cladus: core eudicots • Cladus: superrosids • Cladus: rosids • Cladus: eurosids I • Ordo: Fabales • Familia: Fabaceae • Subfamilia: Faboideae • Tribus: Trifolieae • Genus: Trifolium • Species: Trifolium campestre Schreber (1804)
A Sòbol (Solsonès - Catalunya)
Trifolium campestre
inflorescence -
Trifolium campestre
inflorescences -
Trifolium campestre
lower part of the flower -
Trifolium campestre
upper part of the flower -
Trifolium campestre
stipula, leaf and inflorescence -
Trifolium campestre
inflorescences -
Trifolium campestre
Trifolium campestre
Germany - Härtsfeld -
Stipe with leaf, stipules and inflorescence
Stipe with leaf, stipules and inflorescence
Stipe with leaf and stipules
Stipe with leaf and stipules
Stipe with leaf and stipules
Flower opened with ovary and stylus
(fig. 2)
Trifolium campestre
vol. 7 - plate 559 in:
Flora Batava
(1836) -
Trifolium campestre
plate 430 in:
Otto Wilhelm Thomé:
Flora von Deutschland, Österreich u.d. Schweiz,
Gera (1885) -
Trifolium campestre
plate 430 in:
Otto Wilhelm Thomé:
Flora von Deutschland, Österreich u.d. Schweiz,
Gera (1885)(detail - fig. B)
External links
editWikispecies has an entry on: Trifolium campestre. |