In the world of CROSS ANGE we see many non mana vehicles, the Para-Mails, Ragna-Mails, Ryuu-Shin-Ki sea going warships, shuttles, (Transports). Here we find out about other items used by both parties.
Ragna-mails and their descendants, the Ryuu-Shin-Ki and Para-mails, are piloted similar to a motorcycle, hence their pilots are known as mail-riders.
In " Arzenal in Flames " We see many weapons, Missles, Anti-Missle/Aircraft cannons, Flying Multi-Use Discs that can cause great destruction to property and able to capture in mid air a paramail, Then there are the sidearms, small arms, and terror weapons such as the flamethrower the Misurugi Imperial Soldiers used to creamate alive, norma that were not on their list.
The Misurugi Imperial Solders used Sub-Machine Guns to massacre the norma, the Main type used looks like the KRISS, It is a sub-machine gun which has a bolt that moves back and down.:
The Norma have several types of hand held weapons too, combat knives, full-automatic rifles, carbines, and full-automatic Pistols, of the rifles, they appear to be futuristic versions of the Calico