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@prefix mesh: .
@prefix ram: .
@prefix mo: .
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@prefix dc: .
a gndo:DifferentiatedPerson;
wdrs:describedby .
dcterms:license ;
dcterms:modified "2022-06-04T10:24:40.000"^^xsd:dateTime;
gndo:descriptionLevel .
gndo:gndIdentifier "100313477";
foaf:page ;
owl:sameAs , ,
, ;
gndo:oldAuthorityNumber "(DE-588a)100313477", "(DE-588c)7713600-7";
gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Morysinus, Richardus";
gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx10214054 .
_:node1if733sqfx10214054 gndo:forename "Richardus";
gndo:surname "Morysinus" .
gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Morysine, Richard";
gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx10214055 .
_:node1if733sqfx10214055 gndo:forename "Richard";
gndo:surname "Morysine" .
gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Morrison, Richard, Sir";
gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx10214056 .
_:node1if733sqfx10214056 gndo:forename "Richard";
gndo:surname "Morrison";
gndo:nameAddition "Sir" .
gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Moryson, Richard, Sir";
gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx10214057 .
_:node1if733sqfx10214057 gndo:forename "Richard";
gndo:surname "Moryson";
gndo:nameAddition "Sir" .
gndo:preferredNameForThePerson "Morison, Richard";
gndo:preferredNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx10214058 .
_:node1if733sqfx10214058 gndo:forename "Richard";
gndo:surname "Morison" .
gndo:titleOfNobilityAsLiteral "Sir";
gndo:gndSubjectCategory , ;
gndo:geographicAreaCode ;
gndo:languageCode ;
gndo:publication "Morison, Richard: Apomaxis Calumniarum", "Morison, Richard: An invective ayenste treason",
"Morison, Richard: An invective ayenste", "Morison, Richard: An exhortation to styr all Englyshe men to the defence of theyr count*",
"Morison, Richard: An exhortation to styrre all Englyshe men to the defence of theyr cou*",
"Morison, Richard: Apomaxis calumniarum, quibus Ioannes Cocleus Henrici octavi famam impet*",
"Morison, Richard: A remedy for sedition", "Morison, Richard: An exhortation to styrre all Englyshe men to the defence of theyr cou*",
"Vives, Juan L.: An introduction to wysedome", "Vives, Juan L.: An introduction to wysedome";
wdrs:describedby .
dcterms:creator ;
dcatde:maintainer .
gndo:biographicalOrHistoricalInformation "Engl. Theologe u. Politiker"@de;
gndo:gender ;
gndo:professionOrOccupation _:node1if733sqfx10214059 .
_:node1if733sqfx10214059 a rdf:Seq;
rdf:_1 ;
rdf:_2 .