@prefix schema: . @prefix gndo: . @prefix lib: . @prefix owl: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix editeur: . @prefix geo: . @prefix umbel: . @prefix naf: . @prefix sf: . @prefix rdau: . @prefix bflc: . @prefix thesoz: . @prefix dcterms: . @prefix isbd: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix mesh: . @prefix ram: . @prefix mo: . @prefix marcRole: . @prefix agrelon: . @prefix dcmitype: . @prefix nsogg: . @prefix dnbt: . @prefix dbp: . @prefix embne: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix dnb_intern: . @prefix madsrdf: . @prefix v: . @prefix cidoc: . @prefix dcatde: . @prefix ebu: . @prefix wdrs: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix gbv: . @prefix agrovoc: . @prefix lcsh: . @prefix dc: . a gndo:DifferentiatedPerson; wdrs:describedby . dcterms:license ; dcterms:modified "2023-08-04T16:24:58.000"^^xsd:dateTime; gndo:descriptionLevel . gndo:gndIdentifier "116006048"; foaf:page ; owl:sameAs , , , , ; gndo:oldAuthorityNumber "(DE-588a)116006048", "(DE-588a)100003478", "(DE-588c)4721829-0"; gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Ackermann, Rudolf"; gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx9239215 . _:node1if733sqfx9239215 gndo:forename "Rudolf"; gndo:surname "Ackermann" . gndo:variantNameForThePerson "R. A."; gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx9239216 . _:node1if733sqfx9239216 gndo:personalName "R. A." . gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Ackermann, R."; gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx9239217 . _:node1if733sqfx9239217 gndo:forename "R."; gndo:surname "Ackermann" . gndo:variantNameForThePerson "Ackermann, Rodolph"; gndo:variantNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx9239218 . _:node1if733sqfx9239218 gndo:forename "Rodolph"; gndo:surname "Ackermann" . gndo:preferredNameForThePerson "Ackermann, Rudolph"; gndo:preferredNameEntityForThePerson _:node1if733sqfx9239219 . _:node1if733sqfx9239219 gndo:forename "Rudolph"; gndo:surname "Ackermann" . gndo:familialRelationship ; agrelon:hasChild ; gndo:familialRelationship ; agrelon:hasChild ; gndo:affiliation ; gndo:gender ; gndo:gndSubjectCategory , ; gndo:geographicAreaCode , ; gndo:publication "A History of the University of Cambridge, its Colleges, Halls and p*", "A History of the University of Oxford its Colleges, Halls and publi*", "The Microcosm of London", "The History of the Abbey Church of St. Peter's Westminster, its Ant*"; wdrs:describedby . dcterms:creator ; dcatde:maintainer . gndo:biographicalOrHistoricalInformation "Dt.-engl. Industrieller, Buchhändler; ursprünglich Sattler und Wagenbauer; eröffnete 1796 in London eine Kunsthandlung"@de; gndo:placeOfBirth ; gndo:placeOfDeath ; gndo:placeOfActivity ; gndo:professionOrOccupation _:node1if733sqfx9239220 . _:node1if733sqfx9239220 a rdf:Seq; rdf:_1 ; rdf:_2 ; rdf:_3 ; rdf:_4 . gndo:dateOfBirth "1764-04-20"^^xsd:date; gndo:dateOfDeath "1834-03-30"^^xsd:date .