Brandenburg nyɛla gbaŋpiɛla tiŋgbaŋ karili m-be Germany tiŋgbani yaɣ'shɛli.

federated state of Germany
Pahi laBerlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region Mali niŋ
Di pilli ni3 Silimin gɔli October 1990 Mali niŋ
Zuliya wuhibuBrandenburg, De-Brandenburg2.ogg Mali niŋ
Binyarsi Suɣubu ShɛiBrandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv Mali niŋ
Dunia yaɣiliTuure Mali niŋ
TiŋaGermany Mali niŋ
TinzuɣuPotsdam Mali niŋ
Din be shɛli polonaGermany Mali niŋ
Wakati luɣiliUTC+01:00, UTC+02:00 Mali niŋ
Tiŋgbaŋ yaɣili calinli52°23′40″N 13°3′37″E Mali niŋ
Highest pointKutschenberg Mali niŋ
Office held by head of governmentMinister-President of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Tiŋgbani zuɣ'lanaDietmar Woidke Mali niŋ
Loo zalibu yaɣaLandtag of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Saliya dibu kpamba ban be tooniConstitutional Court of the State of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Nira zaŋtiIT Planning Council Mali niŋ
Sariya gbaŋKörperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts Mali niŋ
Yaɣa din laɣim tabaSaitama Prefecture Mali niŋ
Din doli naState of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
TaɣiCottbus District, Frankfurt (Oder) District, Potsdam District, Schwerin District, Neubrandenburg District Mali niŋ
Bal' tɔɣasiraLower Sorbian, Upper Sorbian, Gaamani Mali niŋ
Tangali mia+49-331-8660 Mali niŋ
Taliŋ kpanjoɣ Mali niŋ
Lahabaya dundɔŋ din mali dihitabili Mali niŋ
Privacy policy URL Mali niŋ
Zal'kpana sabiri kpaniConstitution of the State of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Tuutaflag of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Coat of armscoat of arms of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Taarihi bachikpani dalinlihistory of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Economy of topiceconomy of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Contact page URL Mali niŋ
Impressum URL Mali niŋ
Lihigu pubuCategory:Views of Brandenburg Mali niŋ
Category for mapsCategory:Maps of Brandenburg Mali niŋ


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Geography/Joografi/tiŋgbani baŋsim bɔhimbu

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Demographics/ninsali biɛlim kalibu baŋsim bɔhimbu

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Bomma ni nyamma soya/Economy

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Zalikpana mini Gɔmnanti tali/Law and Government

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Baŋsim Bɔbu/Education

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Kaya ni taada

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Lahabali churi/Media

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languages 1
os 4