Rikuo is a playable character in Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors, Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge, Darkstalkers 3 and Vampire Hunter 2. Rikuo, along with Sasquatch and Jon Talbain were omitted from Vampire Savior 2.
Rikuo is one of few characters who can poison the opponent, stunning them. He can also trap them in a bubble of water or freeze them in place with a wave of sound in his "Sonic Wave" attack. His Dark Force in Darkstalkers 3 fills the screen partial way with water as he rides the waves on the back of a makai beast known as a Mach Crab.
Darkstalkers (Vampire)
- Main article: Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors/Moves
Night Warriors (Vampire Hunter)
- Main article: Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge/Moves
Darkstalkers 3 (Vampire Savior)
- Main article: Darkstalkers 3/Moves K-Z