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Concluded WG IP Address Encapsulation (ipae)

Note: The data for concluded WGs is occasionally incorrect.

WG Name IP Address Encapsulation
Acronym ipae
Area Internet Area (int)
State Concluded
Charter charter-ietf-ipae-01 Approved
Document dependencies
Personnel Chair Dave Crocker
Mailing list Address
To subscribe

Final Charter for Working Group

The IPAE Working Group seeks to develop a capability for extending IP to
support larger addresses, while minimizing impact on the installed base of IP
users. An enhancement to the current system is mandatory due to the
limitations of the current 32-bit IP addresses. IPAE seeks to upgrade the
current system, rather than to replace the Internet Protocol. The approach
taken will be to sandwich a small addressing layer, above IP but below TCP
or UDP, with the new layer having its own IP Protocol-ID. This special layer
will thereby encapsulate new, larger, globally-unique addresses for the source
and destination, as well as any other fields of information that are
considered essential.

The specificaton effort will attend to issues of transition and coexistance,
among unmodified IP'' hosts and hosts which supportIPAE'' hosts. The
IPAE approach will develop a framework to organize the Internet into areas
called ``IP Addressing Commonwealths'' within which 32-bit IP addresses are
unique and are part of a larger, globally-unique Internet addressing scheme.
It is a goal of this effort to avoid requiring any router within a
Commonwealth to be modified, but any host wishing full Internet connectivity
will need to support IPAE eventually. Further, any system wishing to support
full IPAE addresses will need to be modified, including network management


Date Milestone Associated documents
Jun 1993 Post the ``Implementation and Transition'' specification as an Internet-Draft.
Oct 1992 Post the initial ``Addressing'' specification as an Internet-Draft.

Done milestones

Date Milestone Associated documents
Done Present work of the IPAE Working Group to the IETF.
Done Post the report to the IESG as an Internet-Draft.
Done Review and approve the Charter at the first Working Group meeting.
Done Post the initial IPAE specification as an Internet-Draft.
Done 5
see 2
Story 1
Users 1