Michael Naimark
Michael Naimark Being Early: Challenges and Opportunities as VR Grows Up. 184-187 2016 25 Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ. 2 https://doi.org/10.1162/PRES_a_00257 db/journals/presence/presence25.html#Naimark16
Michael Naimark Aspen the Verb: Musings on Heritage and Virtuality. 330-335 2006 15 Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ. 3 https://doi.org/10.1162/pres.15.3.330 db/journals/presence/presence15.html#Naimark06
Michael Naimark Two Unusual Projection Spaces. 597-605 2005 14 Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ. 5 https://doi.org/10.1162/pres.2005.14.5.597 db/journals/presence/presence14.html#Naimark05
Christoph Bregler Clothilde Castiglia Jessica DeVincezo Roger Luke DuBois Kevin Feeley Tom Igoe Jonathan Meyer Michael Naimark Alexandru Postelnicu Michael Rabinovich Sally Rosenthal Katie Salen Jeremi Sudol Bo Wright Squidball: An Experiment in Large-Scale Motion Capture and Game Design. 23-33 2005 conf/intetain/2005 INTETAIN https://doi.org/10.1007/11590323_3 db/conf/intetain/intetain2005.html#BreglerCDDFIMNPRRSSW05 Jon Meyer Loretta Staples Scott L. Minneman Michael Naimark Andrew S. Glassner Artists and Technologists Working Together (Panel). 67-69 1998 conf/uist/1998 ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology https://doi.org/10.1145/288392.289101 db/conf/uist/uist1998.html#MeyerSMNG98 Michael Naimark Be now here (welcome to the neighborhood). 61 1996 SIGGRAPH Visual Proceedings https://doi.org/10.1145/253607.253658 conf/siggraph/1996vp db/conf/siggraph/siggraph1996vp.html#Naimark96 Alonzo C. Addison Douglas MacLeod Gerald Margolis Beit Hashoah Michael Naimark Hans-Peter Schwarz Museums without walls: new media for new museums (panel session). 480-481 1995 conf/siggraph/1995 SIGGRAPH https://doi.org/10.1145/218380.218513 db/conf/siggraph/siggraph1995.html#AddisonMMHNS95 Rich Gold Char Davies Michael Naimark Mark Petrakis Stephen Wilson Sara Roberts Artists in Multimedia: Creating Meaningful Roles (Panel). 287-288 1994 conf/mm/1994 ACM Multimedia db/conf/mm/mm94.html#GoldDNPWR94 https://doi.org/10.1145/192593.192678
Warren Robinett Michael Naimark Review: Artists Explore Virtual Reality: The Bioapparatus Residency at the Banff Centre for the Arts. 248-250 1992 1 Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ. 2 db/journals/presence/presence1.html#RobinettN92 https://doi.org/10.1162/pres.1992.1.2.248
Michael Naimark Review: EXPO '92 Seville. 364-369 1992 1 Presence Teleoperators Virtual Environ. 3 db/journals/presence/presence1.html#Naimark92 https://doi.org/10.1162/pres.1992.1.3.364
Allen Cypher Jonathan Grudin Allan MacLean Michael Naimark Ken-ichi Okada Mukesh Patel Larry Press Blaine A. Price Carlo Tarantola Marilyn Welles The first Moscow international workshop on human-computer interaction. 11-12 1991 23 ACM SIGCHI Bull. 4 https://doi.org/10.1145/126729.126736 db/journals/sigchi/sigchi23.html#CypherGMNOPPPTW91
Brenda Laurel David Nagel Chris Schmandt Michael Naimark Douglas Crockford Interface and new interactive systems (panel session). 201-213 1990 conf/siggraph/1990panel SIGGRAPH (Panels) https://doi.org/10.1145/328750.328763 db/conf/siggraph/siggraph1990panel.html#LaurelNSNC90 Alonzo C. Addison Christoph Bregler Clothilde Castiglia Douglas Crockford Allen Cypher Char Davies Jessica DeVincezo R. Luke DuBoisRoger Luke DuBois Kevin Feeley Andrew S. Glassner Rich Gold Jonathan Grudin Beit Hashoah Tom Igoe Brenda Laurel Allan MacLean Douglas MacLeod Gerald Margolis Jon Meyer Jonathan Meyer Scott L. Minneman David Nagel Ken-ichi Okada Mukesh Patel Mark Petrakis Alexandru Postelnicu Larry Press Blaine A. Price Michael Rabinovich Sara Roberts Warren Robinett Sally Rosenthal Chris Schmandt Hans-Peter Schwarz Loretta Staples Jeremi Sudol Carlo Tarantola Katie Salen TekinbasKatie Salen Marilyn Welles Stephen Wilson Bo Wright
Project 1