1966 is a year primarily remembered for one debut: the television series Batman, starring Adam West as the Caped Crusader. The series premiered on the ABC Network on January 12th and continued to be a mainstay until 1968.
The following creative talent are known to have been born in 1966:
- Al Septien
- Andrew Lazar
- Andy Merrill
- Billy Tucci
- Bud LaRosa
- Charlie Adlard
- Chris Renaud
- Chris Sprouse
- Claudio Castellini
- Danijel Žeželj
- Darko Macan
- Dave Hudak
- Dave Johnson
- David Grafe
- Dylan Horrocks
- Eagle Egilsson
- Ed Brubaker
- Frank Pittarese
- Guy Davis
- Guy Ferland
The following creative talent passed away in the year 1966:
The following comic titles debuted with a 1966 cover date:
- Batman Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Comics (Volume )
- Judomaster (Volume 1)
- Plastic Man (Volume 2)
- Secret Agent (Volume 1)
- Swing With Scooter (Volume 1)
- Teen Titans (Volume 1)
- Thunderbolt (Volume 1)
The following Comic titles were last published with a 1966 cover date:
- All-American Men of War (Volume 1)
- Batman Kellogg's Pop-Tarts Comics (Volume )
- Blue Beetle (Volume 4)
- Fightin' Air Force (Volume 1)
- Sarge Steel (Volume 1)
- Son of Vulcan (Volume 1)
- Superman (comic strip) (Volume )
The following One Shots were published with a 1966 cover date:
Selected 1966 character debuts. See all.
- Pamela Isley (New Earth)
- Maxwell Jensen (Earth-One)
- Christopher Smith (Earth-Four)
- June Moone (New Earth)
- Paul Booker (New Earth)
- Amalak (Earth-One)
- Doctor Spectro (Earth-Four)
- Orm Marius (New Earth)
- Robert Reed (New Earth)
- Arthur Brown (New Earth)
- Shaggy Man (New Earth)
- Grax (Earth-One)
- Death Man (New Earth)
- Andrew Zagarian (New Earth)
- Theodore Kord (Earth-Four)
- Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy (New Earth)
- Myron Victor (New Earth)
- Edifice K. Bulwark (Earth-One)
- Beast With No Name (New Earth)
- Azmodus (New Earth)
- Unimaginable (New Earth)
- Alec Rois (Earth-Four)
- Shaggy Man II (New Earth)
- Vas-Quor (Earth-One)
- Princess Power (New Earth)
- Marcia Monroe (Earth-One)
- Queenie (New Earth)
- Kyl-Ibo (Earth-One)
- Stanley Dover II (New Earth)
- Hi-Jack (New Earth)
- Bizarro Batman (Earth-One)
- Brenn-Bir (Earth-One)
- Eterno the Immortal (Earth-One)
- Horace Throstle (Earth-One)
- Minister Blizzard (Earth-One)
- Ak-Var (Earth-One)
- Kerry (New Earth)
- Phillip Hunter (New Earth)
- Cyril Psycho (Earth-One)
- Miklos (Earth-One)
- Tzin-Tzin (New Earth)
- Mister Esper (New Earth)
- Delbert Billings (New Earth)
- Bertram Larvan (New Earth)
- Emil Bork (Earth-Four)
- Theodore Carrigan (Earth-One)
- Doctor Drew (New Earth)
- Eve Eden (Earth-Four)
- Positive-Negative Man (Earth-One)
- Athena Tremor (New Earth)
Selected 1966 team debuts. See all.