Earth-3839 is a reality in which Superman and Batman started their careers in the late 1930s, and started families that would follow in their superhero footsteps all the way to the 30th Century.
- The Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Compendium provided the designation Earth-3839 and stated this reality was "revealed as a distinct parallel Earth in The Kingdom #2" making this reality part of hypertime.
- Crisis on Infinite Earths: The Compendium stated that the following comics were appearances of Earth-3839:
- Batman/Captain America (First appearance)
- The Batman: Black and White back-up stories from Batman: Gotham Knights #2, 9, and 12
- Superman & Batman: Generations Vol 1
- Superman & Batman: Generations II Vol 1
- Superman and Batman: Generations Vol 3
- The reality was used for Earth 38 in the New 52
See Also
- Characters from Earth-3839
- Other things related to Earth-3839
- Earth-3839's Comic Appearances
- Reality Gallery: Earth-3839