The Great Darkness Saga is a Legion of Super-Heroes storyline written by Paul Levitz and Keith Giffen, with illustrations by Giffen. It was published in Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) and leads into The Curse. The story deals with Darkseid in the 30th Century.
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) #290
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) #291
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) #292
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) #293
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2) #294
- The Post-Zero Hour Legion also met Darkseid in an event called Foundations.
Recommended Reading
- Legion of Super-Heroes Recommended Reading
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- Adventure Comics (Volume 2)
- The Legion (Volume 1)
- Legion Lost (Volume 2)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 2)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 3)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 4)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 5)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 6)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 7)
- Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 8)
- Legionnaires (Volume 1)
- Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
- Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 1)
Links and References
Darkseid versus the Legion of Super-Heroes Having survived into the 30th Century, Darkseid has occasionally come into conflict with the Legion of Super-Heroes. This has happened twice to the Legion of Pre-Zero Hour continuity during both the events of Great Darkness Saga and The Quiet Darkness, and the Post-Zero Hour Legion met him during Legion: Foundations. |
Legion of Super-Heroes Storyline This event or storyline is related to the Legion of Super-Heroes in any of their various incarnations. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Legion of Super-Heroes Storylines category. |