Powers and Abilities
- Ghostly Physiology
- Possession: He has the ability to possess other living creatures.
- Invisibility: He cannot be visibly perceived by other human beings.
- Intangibility: He can pass through anything and everything.
- Flight: He possesses the ability to fly between the lands of the living and the lands of the dead.
- Density Control
- Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic): Slim is a proficient hand-to-hand fighter.
- Aviation
- No Physical Body: Though invulnerable while intangible, Slim could be harmed like a normal human if he changed to his physical form.
- Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-Two era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and no longer apply.
- 65 Appearances of Slim, Ghost Patrol (New Earth)
- 3 Images featuring Slim, Ghost Patrol (New Earth)
- Quotations by or about Slim, Ghost Patrol (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Slim, Ghost Patrol (New Earth)