Bitter Rivals is a Wonder Woman storyline written by Greg Rucka with illustrations by Shane Davis, Steve Sadowski, and Drew Johnson. It is the second arc published in Rucka's run on the Wonder Woman series. This follows his first arc Down to Earth, and leads into his third arc Stoned.
- Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #201 -- Ripples
- Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #202 -- Leaks
- Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #203 -- Bitter Pills, Part One
- Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #204 -- Bitter Pills, Part Two
- Wonder Woman (Volume 2) #205 -- Bitter Pills, Part Three
Recommended Reading
- Wonder Woman Recommended Reading
- All-Star Comics (Volume 1)
- Comic Cavalcade (Volume 1)
- JLA (Volume 1)
- Sensation Comics (Volume 1)
- Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- Superman/Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- The Legend of Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- The Legend of Wonder Woman (Volume 2)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 1)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 2)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 3)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 4)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 5)
- Wonder Woman (Volume 6)
Links and References
Wonder Woman Storyline |