A detailed map of Hanstholm. From the brochure "Vandreture nr. 118. Hanstholmen", updated January 2005, published by the Danish Forest and Nature Agency. The dashed lines indicate a very steep slope, the former coastline.
Under the case number "J.nr. SN 2001-0650-0003", where Lars Dybdahl requested permission to use this map with Wikipedia, the case was handled by the responsible person Pia Bøttiger Andersen from the Danish Ministry of the Environment, on the date 2005-12-20. The response was, that the Danish Forest and Nature Agency has permitted the use of this map for general use, as long as a reference to the source is given. This is an example of such a reference is in Danish:
Fra Skov- og Naturstyrelsens folder "Vandreture nr. 118. Hanstholmen (opdateret januar 2005).
This translates into:
From the Danish Forest and Nature Agency brochure "Vandreture nr. 118. Hanstholmen" (updated January 2005)
The official homepage of the agency is: www.skovognatur.dk
Official email address of the agency is: sns@sns.dk
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== Summary == Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Hanstholmen-map.png A detailed map of Hanstholm. From the brochure "Vandreture nr. 118. Hanstholmen", updated January 2005, published by [http://www.sns.dk/ the Danish Forest and Nature Agency]. T