Das Submodul ist eine Testversion des Moduls GetImage und nicht für den Produktivbetrieb geeignet. Es dient der Weiterentwicklung des Moduls GetImage, damit sich Änderungen nicht auf alle Artikel auswirken, die das Modul benutzen.
Derzeit arbeitet kein Benutzer an diesem Testmodul. Du kannst es für deine Zwecke benutzen. |
Das Modul ist eine Spielwiese und nicht zum produktiven Einsatz vorgesehen. Der derzeitige Code ist eine finale Testversion zur Inbetriebnahme. Er enthält für Analysezwecke zusätzliche Wikidata-Abfragen und Ausgaben.
Einfache Abfragen
- Cottbus: Bild: Cottbus 07-2017 img23 Altmarkt.jpg
- Cottbus: Flagge: DEU Cottbus Banner.svg
- Cottbus: Wappen: DEU Cottbus COA.svg
- Tong Lang Beach: Bild: Tong Lang Beach, Ko Lan 0001.jpg
- Tong Lang Beach: Panoramaansicht: Tong Lang Beach, Ko Lan 0002.jpg
Cottbus |
Cottbus |
Cottbus |
Hauptbild unterdrückt
AGC 748828 |
Kein Hauptbild vorhanden
Cottbus |
Cottbus |
Cottbus |
Cottbus |
Sabah |
Sabah |
Krabi |
Krabi |
Flughafen Frankfurt | |
Nepal |
Orthografische grün-graue Karte als Standard dargestellt, rote Sammlung als Fallback.
Benutzung voreingestellte Standardsammlung
Deutschland | |
voreingestellte Standardsammlung nocht vorhanden -> benutzung des Fallbacks (rot)
Polen | |
Anforderung des roten Sammlung
Indonesien | |
nichts angefordert, Standards beide nicht vorhanden
Brandenburg | |
Manuell angegebene Datei
Brandenburg | |
{{#invoke:GetImage/Test|getPositionMapQuickbar|Q1208|||File:132.Französisches Rondell Große Fontäne - Sanssouci Steffen Heilfort.JPG|300px]]}}
Sabah ohne Imagemap
Sabah | |
{{#invoke:GetImage/Test|getPositionMapQuickbar|Q179029|||File:Sabah in Malaysia.svg}}
Sabah mit Imagemap
Sabah | |
{{#invoke:GetImage/Test|getPositionMapQuickbar|Q179029|||File:Sabah in Malaysia.svg|my}}
Sabah mit Imagemap und individueller Breite
Sabah | |
{{#invoke:GetImage/Test|getPositionMapQuickbar|Q179029||200px|File:Sabah in Malaysia.svg|my}}
Schemaplan der Straßenbahnen von Cottbus:
Schemaplan der Straßenbahnen von Chemnitz:
Alternativ: P15:
- Die obige Dokumentation wurde aus der Seite Modul:GetImage/Test/Doku eingefügt. (bearbeiten | Versionsgeschichte) Die Kategorien für dieses Modul sollten in der Dokumentation eingetragen werden. Die Interwiki-Links sollten auf Wikidata eingepflegt werden.
- Liste der Unterseiten
--[=[ getImage 2024-08-30
* getImagesAsTable (internal use)
* getImage ( id, property )
* getSchematic ( id, frame )
* getMainImageQuickbar ( id, localImage )
* getEmblemsQuickbar ( id, emblems )
* getPositionMapQuickbar ( id, collectionCategory, widthPositionMap, localPositionMap, imageMap, qbFrame )
local GetImage = {}
-- categories and properties for data evaluation
local gip = require ( 'Modul:GetImage/Properties' )
-- local tables > maybe moving into a separate module later
-- categories for data evaluation
local wikidataCat = {
-- common wikidata categories
noProperty = '[[Kategorie:Wikidata:Fehlende Eigenschaft]]',
unknownProperty = '[[Kategorie:Wikidata:Unbekannte Eigenschaft]]'
-- returns nil, if both values are equal, otherwise the value
-- similar to the SQL function nullif()
local function nilIf ( value, equalValue )
if ( value == nil ) then
return nil
elseif ( tostring ( value ) == tostring ( equalValue ) ) then
return nil
return value
-- returns the first value that is not nil
-- similar to the SQL function coalesce()
local function coalesce ( value1, value2, value3 )
return value1 or value2 or value3
-- determines the length of a key-value table
-- the # operator does not work here
local function getTableLength(tbl)
local getN = 0
for n in pairs(tbl) do
getN = getN + 1
return getN
- getImagesAsTable() -> just for internal use.
- it delivers the images including qualifiers
- images are saved into two subtables
- - "images" contains the images including the folowing qualifiers
- - P585 (point of time)
- - P195 (ID of the collection)
- - "collections" contains the images with the Wikidata-ID of the collection as key
- ranking: options
- - best (standard) : uses getBestStatement
- - all: uses getStatementAll (is used for locator maps only,
because the wanted collection scheme is not alwas available
with the bestStatemenmt function, e. g. Germany Q183)
local getImagesAsTable = function ( id, property, ranking )
-- local variables
-- ID of the item
-- Determined, if not provided
-- compatibility to existing modules and templates:
-- some use the keyword "self" for using the own entity-ID
local localID = coalesce ( nilIf ( nilIf ( id, 'self' ), '' ), mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage(), '' )
-- initialising returning table
local wdValues = {}
wdValues.images = {}
wdValues.collections = {}
-- no Wikidata object
if localID == '' then
return wdValues, '', ''
-- maintenance categories
local maintenanceCategory = ''
-- property
local requestedProperty = property or 'none';
if string.sub(requestedProperty,1,1) ~= 'P' then
requestedProperty = 'none'
-- no property given: category and exit
if requestedProperty == 'none' then
maintenanceCategory = maintenanceCategory .. gip.noProperty
return {}, localID, maintenanceCategory
local wdStatements = {}
-- getting the values
if coalesce ( ranking, '' ) == 'all' then
wdStatements = mw.wikibase.getAllStatements( localID, requestedProperty )
wdStatements = mw.wikibase.getBestStatements( localID, requestedProperty )
-- running through the array and store it in a simple table
local entryValueImage
for i, entry in ipairs ( wdStatements ) do
-- check for number
if entry.mainsnak.datatype == 'commonsMedia' then
-- new data set
entryValue = {}
-- getting the image
entryValue.image = entry.mainsnak.datavalue.value
-- initialising qualifiers
entryValue.year = 0
-- read qualifiers
if entry.qualifiers ~= nil then
-- read P585-Qualifiers (date/time of validity)
if entry.qualifiers.P585 ~= nil then
if entry.qualifiers.P585[1].datavalue.value.precision == 9 then
entryValue.year = tonumber ( entry.qualifiers.P585[1].datavalue.value.time:sub( 2, 5 ) )
if entry.qualifiers.P585[1].datavalue.value.precision == 10 then
entryValue.year = tonumber ( entry.qualifiers.P585[1].datavalue.value.time:sub( 2, 5 ) )
if entry.qualifiers.P585[1].datavalue.value.precision == 11 then
entryValue.year = tonumber ( entry.qualifiers.P585[1].datavalue.value.time:sub( 2, 5 ) )
-- maintenance category
maintenanceCategory = maintenanceCategory .. '[[Kategorie:Seiten, die die Wikidata-Eigenschaft P585 benutzen]]'
-- read the P195-Qualifiers (collection)
if entry.qualifiers.P195 ~= nil then
-- adding to the images-subtable
entryValue.collectionID = entry.qualifiers.P195[1]
-- adding to the collection.subtable
wdValues.collections[entry.qualifiers.P195[1]] = entry.mainsnak.datavalue.value
-- maintenance category
maintenanceCategory = maintenanceCategory .. '[[Kategorie:Seiten, die die Wikidata-Eigenschaft P195 benutzen]]'
-- adding to the list
table.insert( wdValues.images, entryValue )
end -- if entry.mainsnak.datatype == 'commonsMedia'
end -- for i, entry in ipairs ( wdStatements )
-- adding usage category
if #wdStatements > 0 then
maintenanceCategory = maintenanceCategory .. '[[Kategorie:Seiten, die die Wikidata-Eigenschaft ' .. requestedProperty .. ' benutzen]]'
-- adding missing data categories
if #wdStatements == 0 then
if gip[requestedProperty] ~= nil then
maintenanceCategory = maintenanceCategory .. gip[requestedProperty].noData
return wdValues, localID, maintenanceCategory
-- getImage()
-- gets the images (filenames)
-- it fetches only a single entry, because its provided without wiki markup
-- it does not provide the wikidata usage category for the same reason
GetImage.getImage = function ( id, property )
-- returning String
local imageString = ''
-- making empty parameters to nil
if unit == '' then unit = nil end
-- WD-Values
local imageList = {}
local wikidataID = ''
local categories = ''
imageList, wikidataID, categories = getImagesAsTable ( id, property )
-- getting the filename, if at least one is returned
if #imageList.images > 0 then
imageString = imageList.images[1].image
-- providing the image, not followed by categories,
-- because its just the filename which has to be packed into wiki markup later
return imageString
-- provides the schematic image (P5555) with year
-- some symbols can be added in the caption as well
GetImage.getSchematic = function ( id, frame, parentFrame )
local WikidataID = string.upper(id)
if ( WikidataID:find('Q%d') == nil ) or ( string.sub(WikidataID,1,1) ~= 'Q' ) then
return '<span class="error">Keine Wikidata-ID übergeben!</span>'
-- WD-Values
local imageString = '[[File:'
local imageList = {}
local categories = ''
local categories2 = ''
local orientation = ''
local figcaption = ''
imageList, wikidataID, categories = getImagesAsTable ( WikidataID, 'P5555' )
-- in case of errors an empty table is returned. Try P15
if #imageList.images == 0 then
imageList, wikidataID, categories2 = getImagesAsTable ( WikidataID, 'P15' )
-- in case of errors an empty table is returned. Checking this first.
if #imageList.images == 0 then
return categories .. categories2
-- getting the filename, if at least one is returned
if #imageList.images > 0 then
imageString = imageString .. imageList.images[1].image .. '|thumb|'
return categories
-- at least one symbol given?
if frame.args[2] ~= nil then
-- iterating through all symboles
local i = 2
local symbol = ''
while frame.args[i] ~= nil do
symbol = string.lower(frame.args[i])
-- check whether symbol is cofigured and use it
if gip.publicTransportSymbols[symbol] ~= nil then
figcaption = figcaption .. '[[File:' .. gip.publicTransportSymbols[symbol] .. '|20px]] '
-- upright option used?
if symbol == 'upright' then
orientation = 'upright|'
i = i + 1
-- same procedure for the parent farme
if parentFrame ~= nil then
if parentFrame.args[2] ~= nil then
-- iterating through all symboles
local i = 2
local symbol = ''
while parentFrame.args[i] ~= nil do
symbol = string.lower(parentFrame.args[i])
-- check whether symbol is cofigured and use it
if gip.publicTransportSymbols[symbol] ~= nil then
figcaption = figcaption .. '[[File:' .. gip.publicTransportSymbols[symbol] .. '|20px]] '
-- upright option used?
if symbol == 'upright' then
orientation = 'upright|'
i = i + 1
-- Qualifier P585 used?
if imageList.images[1].year ~= nil then
figcaption = figcaption .. '(' .. imageList.images[1].year .. ')'
-- concenating
imageString = imageString .. orientation .. figcaption
return imageString:gsub("|*$","") .. ']]' .. categories ..categories
-- provides the main image for quickbars
-- Only P18 is used for the main image
GetImage.getMainImageQuickbar = function ( id, localImage )
-- making nil to empty string
if localImage == nil then localImage = '' end
-- getting the specific class for the item
local trClass = gip.P18.cssClass or ''
-- image from Wikidata
if localImage == '' then
-- getting the link with the base function above
local wikidataImages = {}
local wikidataID = ''
local wikidataCategories = ''
wikidataImages, wikidataID, wikidataCategories = getImagesAsTable ( id, 'P18' )
local tr = mw.html.create ( 'tr' )
-- no image? -> invisible row row
if #wikidataImages.images == 0 then
trClass = trClass .. ' voy-qb-empty'
tr:addClass('voy-qb-item ' .. trClass )
-- returning the row
return tostring ( tr ) .. wikidataCategories
-- creating the table row with the image
tr:addClass('voy-qb-item ' .. trClass )
:wikitext('[[File:' .. wikidataImages.images[1].image .. '|' .. gip.quickbarSettings.widthP18 .. ']]')
-- returning the row
return tostring ( tr ) .. wikidataCategories
-- or local image
-- wikivalues, that can be interpreted as "FALSE" suppress the whole row
if localImage =='no'
or localImage == 'n'
or localImage == 'false'
or localImage == 'falsch'
or localImage == 'nein'
or localImage == '0'
return ''
-- creating the table row with the image
local tr = mw.html.create ( 'tr' )
tr:addClass('voy-qb-item ' .. trClass )
return tostring ( tr )
-- provides flag, coat of arms, seal or/and logo in one row for quickbars
-- the emblems parameter describes selection and order of the elements
-- F: flag (P41)
-- C: coat of arms (P94)
-- S: seal (P158)
-- L: logo (P154)
GetImage.getEmblemsQuickbar = function ( id, emblems )
-- set to empty string, if nil
if emblems == nil then emblems = '' end
-- break, if empty
if emblems == '' then
return ''
-- initialising the temporary variables for getting the images from Wikidata
local wikidataImages = {}
local wikidataID = ''
local wikidataCategories = ''
-- single category to collect categories on every loop run
local wikidataCategory = ''
-- contains the wikitext to be inserted into the TD-Tag
local imageString = ''
-- contains the width of an item,
-- Modul:GetImage/Properties
-- dependet from amount of items in a row
local imageWidth = ''
-- contains options as like the border incase of flags
local imageOptions = ''
-- contains a list of image specific classes for the row
local trClass = ''
-- contains error categories
local errorCategory = ''
-- running through the emblems parameter
for c in emblems:gmatch"." do
imageOptions = ''
if c:upper() == 'F' then
-- getting the link with the base function above
wikidataImages, wikidataID, wikidataCategory = getImagesAsTable ( id, 'P41' )
-- setting the border
imageOptions = '|border'
-- determining the width
if string.upper(emblems) == 'F' then
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP41.single
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP41.twoItems
-- setting the css class
trClass = trClass .. ' ' .. coalesce ( gip.P41.cssClass, '' )
elseif c:upper() == 'C' then
-- getting the link with the base function above
wikidataImages, wikidataID, wikidataCategory = getImagesAsTable ( id, 'P94' )
-- determining the width
if string.upper(emblems) == 'C' then
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP94.single
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP94.twoItems
-- setting the css class
trClass = trClass .. ' ' .. coalesce ( gip.P94.cssClass, '' )
elseif c:upper() == 'S' then
-- getting the link with the base function above
wikidataImages, wikidataID, wikidataCategory = getImagesAsTable ( id, 'P158' )
-- determining the width
if string.upper(emblems) == 'S' then
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP158.single
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP158.twoItems
-- setting the css class
trClass = trClass .. ' ' .. coalesce ( gip.P158.cssClass, '' )
elseif c:upper() == 'L' then
-- getting the link with the base function above
wikidataImages, wikidataID, wikidataCategory = getImagesAsTable ( id, 'P154' )
-- determining the width
if string.upper(emblems) == 'L' then
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP154.single
imageWidth = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP154.twoItems
-- setting the css class
trClass = trClass .. ' ' .. coalesce ( gip.P154.cssClass, '' )
-- error handling for unknown chracters
errorCategory = '[[Kategorie:Quickbar:Unbekannter Parameter für Hoheitszeichen]]'
-- got image? -> add it
if #wikidataImages.images > 0 then
imageString = imageString .. '[[File:' .. wikidataImages.images[1].image .. '|' .. imageWidth .. imageOptions .. '|class=notpageimage]]'
wikidataCategories = wikidataCategories .. wikidataCategory
-- if not any item available, doing nothing
if imageString == '' then
return ''
-- creating the table row with the image(s)
local tr = mw.html.create ( 'tr' )
tr:addClass('voy-qb-item' .. trClass )
-- returning the row
return tostring ( tr ) .. wikidataCategories
-- provides the position map in quickbars
-- it's the map with a highlighted region, not the map with a pin
-- it can fetch a map thats a part of a requested collection
-- an imagemap can be added to the map image
GetImage.getPositionMapQuickbar = function ( id, collectionCategory, widthPositionMap, localPositionMap, imageMap, qbFrame )
-- making nil to empty string
if collectionCategory == nil then collectionCategory = '' end
if widthPositionMap == nil then widthPositionMap = '' end
if localPositionMap == nil then localPositionMap = '' end
if imageMap == nil then imageMap = '' end
-- setting standard values
if widthPositionMap == '' then widthPositionMap = gip.quickbarSettings.widthP242 end
-- getting the specific class for the item
local trClass = gip.P242.cssClass
-- final content to be returned
local wikidataCategories = ''
local wikidataID = 'null'
local finalMap = ''
-- image from Wikidata
if localPositionMap == '' then
-- getting the link with the base function above
local wikidataImages = {}
wikidataImages, wikidataID, wikidataCategories = getImagesAsTable ( id, 'P242', 'all' )
-- no image? -> no row
if #wikidataImages.images == 0 then
return wikidataCategories
-- trying to find the position map that ispart of the requested collection
-- if not, take the first one
local filePositionMap = ''
-- are collections available at all?
if getTableLength ( wikidataImages.collections ) > 0 then
-- is a collection requested and availabe?
if ( collectionCategory ~= '' ) and ( wikidataImages.collections[collectionCategory] ~= nil ) then
filePositionMap = wikidataImages.collections[collectionCategory]
-- if not requested, trying to find one of the standard collections, given in Modul:GetImage/Properties
-- running reversly trough the standard requests
for i = 1, #gip.P242.collections do
if wikidataImages.collections[gip.P242.collections[#gip.P242.collections + 1 - i]] ~= nil then
filePositionMap = wikidataImages.collections[gip.P242.collections[#gip.P242.collections + 1 - i]]
-- nothing found? > take the first one
if filePositionMap == '' then
filePositionMap = wikidataImages.images[1].image
-- if not, just take the first position map
filePositionMap = wikidataImages.images[1].image
finalMap = 'File:' .. filePositionMap
finalMap = localPositionMap
-- Imagemap wanted?
if imageMap ~= '' then
local displayImagemapText = ''
local imagemapText = mw.loadData ( 'Modul:Imagemap/' .. imageMap )
for k,v in pairs ( imagemapText ) do
displayImagemapText = displayImagemapText .. v .. '\n'
finalMap = qbFrame:extensionTag( 'imagemap', finalMap .. '|' .. widthPositionMap .. '\n' .. displayImagemapText )
finalMap = '[[' .. finalMap .. '|' .. widthPositionMap .. '|class=notpageimage|Lagekarte]]'
-- creating the table row with the image
local tr = mw.html.create ( 'tr' )
tr:addClass('voy-qb-item ' .. trClass )
-- returning the row
return tostring ( tr ) .. wikidataCategories
-- returns any value from Modul:GetImage/Properties
-- useful to show current settings on documentation sites
GetImage.getPropertySetting = function ( key1, key2, key3 )
-- returning the row
if coalesce ( key3, '' ) ~= '' then
return gip[key1][key2][key3]
elseif coalesce ( key2, '' ) ~= '' then
return gip[key1][key2]
elseif coalesce ( key1, '' ) ~= '' then
return gip[key1]
else return ''
-- Providing template access
local p = {}
function p.getImage( frame )
return GetImage.getImage( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args[ 2 ] ) or ""
function p.getSchematic( frame )
return GetImage.getSchematic( frame.args[ 1 ] or frame:getParent().args[ 1 ], frame, frame:getParent() ) or ""
function p.getMainImageQuickbar( frame )
return GetImage.getMainImageQuickbar ( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args[ 2 ] ) or ""
function p.getEmblemsQuickbar( frame )
return GetImage.getEmblemsQuickbar ( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args[ 2 ] ) or ""
function p.getPositionMapQuickbar( frame )
return GetImage.getPositionMapQuickbar ( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args[ 2 ], frame.args[ 3 ], frame.args[ 4 ], frame.args[ 5 ], frame ) or ""
function p.getPropertySetting( frame )
return GetImage.getPropertySetting ( frame.args[ 1 ], frame.args[ 2 ], frame.args[ 3 ] ) or ""
-- for usage in other modules
-- using it the following way:
-- local getImage = require( 'Module:GetImage' )
-- foo = getImage.GetImage().xxx( id, lang )
function p.GetImage()
return GetImage
return p