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The Other Side of Wikipedia

Virtual Event Virtual Event

23 July 2023 @ 14:30 15:30 UTC

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The Other Side of Wikipedia is a workshop co-organised by the Deoband Community Wikimedia (DCW) and the English Researchers Collective (from Jamia Millia Islamia) under the latter’s Writer’s Kitchen series. This workshops aim to peek behind the curtains to understand the fundamentals of Wikipedia editing and give the audience the basic tools needed to start right now.


✅ How is a Wikipedia article created and maintained?
✅ How can contributing on Wikipedia help you become a better researcher, writer and editor?
✅ What can you address misinformation/disinformation that you encounter on the website?
✅ How can you make Wikipedia even better and why does it matter?
✅ Make your first edit on Wikipedia with us!

The speaker is Aaqib Anjum Aafi, the founder and president of the DCW, a recognised affiliate of the Wikimedia Foundation. He is interested in open and free knowledge, and has been associated with the Wikimedia movement since 2019. He is currently pursuing an MA in Islamic Studies from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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