This article is a stub. You can help Digimon Data Squad Wiki by expanding it. Keenan Crier is one of the protagonist of Digimon Data Squad and partner of Falcomon. Contents 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Background 3.2 Plot 4 Relationships 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 7 Navigation Appearance Personality Biography Background Plot Relationships Gallery See Keenan Crier/Gallery Trivia Navigation Characters DATS Marcus Damon | Thomas H. Norstein | Yoshino "Yoshi" Fujieda | Keenan Crier | Richard Sampson | Miki Kurosaki | Megumi Shirakawa | Homer Yushima Digimon Agumon | Gaomon | Lalamon | Falcomon | Kudamon | PawnChessmon (Black) and (White) | Kamemon | BanchoLeomon | Biyomon Allies Cherrymon | Baronmon | Frigimon Villains Merukimon | SaberLeomon | Gotsumon | Akihiro Kurata | Gizumon | Kouki Tsubasa | Nanami | Ivan | Belphemon | Royal Knights | King Drasil Families Spencer, Sarah and Kristy Damon | Franz and Relena Norstein | Thomas's Mother | Grandma Norstein | Kevin, Michelle and Ruka Crier Humans Hashima Hitoshi "Neon" Hanamura | Hayase Harris | Minnie Harris | Conner Shitori | Tasuke Shitori