
The Celestial Digimon (三大天使, Sandaitenshi?, "Three Archangels") are an organization in Digimon Frontier. Tasked with protecting the Digital World, they eventually fall apart, becoming both the DigiDestined's primary allies and antagonists.


Digimon Frontier

The three Celestial Digimon were the ones who took up the task of keeping the Digital World safe after Lucemon was defeated by the Ten Legendary Warriors. The Warriors entrusted their Spirits to the three of them; Wind and Light to Seraphimon, Flame, Thunder, and Ice to Ophanimon, and Darkness, Steel, Wood, Water, and Earth to Cherubimon. It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears However, Cherubimon, corrupted by Lucemon, believed that Ophanimon and Seraphimon were plotting against him as well as the beast-types, so he led his followers against them. Seraphimon was defeated by Cherubimon in a surprise strike, and Ophanimon surrendered to protect him. They were both sealed away, Seraphimon in the ceiling of his castle at the Forest Terminal, and Ophanimon in the Light Barrier in Cherubimon's Castle at Rose Morning Star. Operation: Free Ophanimon

When the human DigiDestined, called by Ophanimon, arrive at the Digital World, Cherubimon sends his servants to confront them in the hopes of taking their Spirits. All Aboard Meanwhile, Ophanimon contacts the DigiDestined and directs them to Seraphimon's prison at the Forest Terminal. Kumamon Baby, Light My Fire However, Cherubimon's servants—Mercurymon, Ranamon, Arbormon and Grumblemon—find them just as the children manage to free Seraphimon. In his weakened state, Seraphimon is defeated and scanned by Mercurymon, but the DigiDestined manage to escape with his Digi-Egg. Better An Egg Than An Egg Shell

Seraphimon's Digi-Egg gives first Koji and then Takuya the power to fusion evolve, and Takuya, as Aldamon, manages to recover Seraphimon's fractal code and send it back to his Digi-Egg. Patamon hatches from the egg and continues onward with the group towards the Rose Morning Star. Darkness Before the Dawn Despite being a Rookie, Patamon aids in the final battle against Velgemon, distracting him long enough for Takuya and Koji to recover and defeat him.

4-47 Celestial Digimon (Rookie)
The Celestial Digimon are eventually reborn in their Rookie forms.

Ophanimon then calls the children to the Rose Morning Star. Having defeated Cherubimon's servants, and with the addition of Koichi Kimura, the children arrive at the Rose Morning Star to confront Cherubimon. Operation: Free Ophanimon In the following battle, Cherubimon manages to steal their D-Tectors and thus their Spirits, but not before Ophanimon is freed. She then tries to purify Cherubimon, but the darkness corrupting him is too strong, and she is forced to steal back the D-Tectors and return them to the children. She is also able to grant them the ability of Unified Spirit Evolution but is then destroyed by Cherubimon. Takuya and Koji's Evolution Revolution With their new power, the children are able to defeat Cherubimon and purify him, but the final attack leaves him mortally wounded, and he dies in remorse with the spirits of Ophanimon and Seraphimon comforting him. Cherubimania

Later, on the Yellow Moon, Patamon discovers the eggs of Cherubimon and Ophanimon, and they hatch as their Rookie forms of Lopmon and Salamon. When Knights Fall... While working together, their holy powers allow them to form barriers and propel rocks. The Brothers Yin and Yang The spirits of the three Celestial Digimon later manifest from their Rookie forms and give the DigiDestined advice on how to deal with Lucemon, which helps to defeat him. The Celestial Digimon remain in the Digital World once the fight is over, thankful for the efforts of the humans who saved their world. End of the Line



Seraphimon is responsible for maintaining law and order in the Digital World Operation: Free Ophanimon, as well as safeguarding the Spirits of Light and Wind. It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears When Cherubimon is corrupted by Lucemon, however, Seraphimon is defeated and sealed away in his castle at the Forest Terminal. Operation: Free Ophanimon Ophanimon's first directive to her DigiDestined is to awaken him, Kumamon Baby, Light My Fire and they manage to succeed in doing so. Cherubimon's fallen Warriors quickly follow, and Seraphimon's data is scanned by Mercurymon in the resulting struggle. Zoe Orimoto manages to take hold of his Digi-Egg, and Sorcermon helps the DigiDestined escape. Better An Egg Than An Egg Shell His Digi-Egg remains in Bokomon's care, who treats it as his own child, No Whamon, though the Digi-Egg retains some of Seraphimon's divinity and immense powers, as it is able to grant first Koji Minamoto Stuck In Sakkakumon With You and then Takuya Kanbara the ability to fusion evolve. After Takuya manages to take back Seraphimon's data from Mercurymon and return it to his egg, the Digi-Egg hatches into Patamon. In his Patamon form, Seraphimon has a pink belt similar to Bokomon's, presumably because Bokomon also got hit by Seraphimon's Fractal Code when it returned to him. Darkness Before the Dawn However, all of Seraphimon's remaining power is used up at this point as explained by Bokomon, preventing Patamon from granting any further fusion evolutions. Phantasmagoric Sakkakumon

Though he is Seraphimon reborn, Patamon is still a child and acts as such. He views Bokomon as a parental figure Phantasmagoric Sakkakumon but also retains some of his divine strength, such as the ability to detect power. O, Brother, Who Art Thou? Patamon remains a bystander for the rest of the journey, though he helps briefly in the fight against Velgemon by distracting him, until he reunites with his fellow reborn Celestial Digimon on the Yellow Moon. When Knights Fall... Their divine powers allow them to protect Bokomon and Neemon from battle The Brothers Yin and Yang and when the DigiDestined lose heart against Lucemon, a ghostly Seraphimon appears from Patamon to provide moral support. At the end of it all, Patamon thanks the DigiDestined for saving their world and prevents Bokomon from following the Digidestined back to the real world. End of the Line

In the D-Spirit Version 3, Seraphimon is a one of the bosses of MAP 4 (ICE). He can be encountered if the player has exactly nine Spirits, is at least level 60, and has already cleared the game. After he is defeated, Seraphimon will reappear here regardless of conditions.


As Seraphimon
  • Strike of the Seven Stars (Sevens Heaven)[2]: Fires seven super-heated spheres of sacred light at the opponent.
As Patamon
  • Boom Bubble (Air Shot): Sucks in air then spits it out all at once as an air bullet.
  • Tai Atari (たいあたり, Tai Atari? lit. "Body Blow")


Cherubimon is responsible for guiding the inhabitants of the Digital World through knowledge Operation: Free Ophanimon, as well as protecting the Spirits of Darkness, Earth, Wood, Water, and Steel. It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears Cherubimon has great compassion for beast-type Digimon as he is one himself. He disagreed with Seraphimon and Ophanimon on many issues and eventually came to blame it on the same human and beast divide which tore apart their world before Lucemon. Seeing their attempts at reasoning with him as further collusion of the human-types against the beast-types, his heart opened to Lucemon's manipulations, turning him into his fallen form. Striking down Seraphimon and only sparing him due to Ophanimon's pleas, Cherubimon proceeds to implement a plan to gather the Digital World's fractal code through his agents and compress it in his castle. Operation: Free Ophanimon

For the most part content to simply work through his army, Cherubimon only begins to directly intervene when his control over his prized Warrior Duskmon begins to weaken as his memory of his human self grows. Stuck In Sakkakumon With You When these weaknesses almost make Duskmon lose his battle against BeoWolfmon, Cherubimon directly attacks the Warrior of Light and steals away Duskmon. Now safe from reprisal, Cherubimon reminds Duskmon of his life as Koichi Kimura and the resentment he feels for Koji Minamoto, BeoWolfmon's human form and Koichi's twin brother whom he had forgotten after their parents divorced. That very anger and pain drew Cherubimon to Koichi, and Cherubimon reinforces it by giving him the B Spirit of Darkness and the ability to slide evolve into Velgemon. O, Brother, Who Art Thou? Despite his efforts, Duskmon is eventually purified and returned to Koichi, free of his influence. My Brother In Spirit

Disappointed by this turn of events, Cherubimon sends an image of himself to face the DigiDestined. Swatting away the others, he confronts Koichi, who argues that Cherubimon simply lied to and manipulated him. Cherubimon denies this claim, instead saying that he tried to find holders for the Spirits of Darkness but could only find Koichi's dark heart to use them. He offers to take Koichi again, but he refuses, and Cherubimon moves to attack. Koichi's acknowledgment that he needs neither fear nor evil anymore allows him to claim the now purified Spirits of Darkness, becoming Loweemon and JagerLoweemon to defeat this image. Cherubimon is impressed by Koichi's ability to unlock the true power of darkness and looks forward to meeting him in person. Ne'er The Twins Shall Meet

The DigiDestined manage to infiltrate his castle at the Rose Morning Star, but it is all according to Cherubimon's plan. He interrupts the meeting between Ophanimon and her chosen, Operation: Free Ophanimon killing Oryxmon who led the children there. He reveals his plan to take all of the Spirits for himself, and he succeeds in doing so after a long, drawn-out battle. Ophanimon is freed right as he accomplishes his goal, however, and tries to reason with him. The two clash, and then Ophanimon attempts to return him to his former self. Cherubimon is too corrupted to be healed though, so Ophanimon takes the opportunity to steal the DigiDestined's D-Tectors and thus the Spirits back. Incensed by this, Cherubimon strikes down his former ally, but not before Ophanimon uses the last of her strength to give the DigiDestined the ability to unified spirit evolve. Takuya and Koji become EmperorGreymon and MagnaGarurumon Takuya and Koji's Evolution Revolution and proceed to temporarily defeat him. While the DigiDestined are distracted by the release of IceDevimon, Ice Ice Baby Cherubimon takes all of the fractal code he gathered and absorbs it. The data gives him prodigious size, strength, and regenerative ability but leaves him with a visible weak point: the spot on his forehead where he took in the power. By using MagnaGarurumon as a shield, EmperorGreymon is able to strike at his forehead, releasing the absorbed data and mortally wounding him. Purified by EmperorGreymon back into his good self, Cherubimon cries and then joins his old friends, finally back to himself. Cherubimania

After the Royal Knights succeed in breaking Lucemon's seal by scanning the Digital World, Cherubimon hatches on the Yellow Moon into Conomon, who immediately becomes Lopmon, and then renews his bonds with the other Celestial Digimon. When Knights Fall... Their divine powers allow them to protect Bokomon and Neemon from battle The Brothers Yin and Yang and when the DigiDestined lose heart against Lucemon, a ghostly Cherubimon appears from Lopmon to provide moral support. He also provides a clue that leads to Lucemon's defeat. At the end of it all, Lopmon thanks the DigiDestined for saving their world. End of the Line

In Digimon BattleSpirit 2, Cherubimon (Evil), named Kerpymon, is the final boss. His battle is different from the others in that Cherubimon has a hidden health meter while the player's Digisouls act as their HP. Kerpymon floats around dealing attacks via suction, dark orbs, and lightning. He has the ability to teleport across the battlefield and is only vulnerable on his face. Once defeated, Kerpymon reverts to a purified Digi-Egg.

In the D-Spirit Version 3, Cherubimon (Evil) and his illusion are bosses of MAP 3 (?????). Cherubimon (Good) can be scanned after both are defeated.


As Cherubimon (Evil)
  • Lightning Spear: Fires a spear of lightning.
  • Storm of Judgment (Heaven's Judgment): Summons a giant thundercloud, then drops innumerable lightning bolts on the opponent.
  • Terminal Judgment (Final Judgment): An enhanced version of Storm of Judgment which increases the range and density of the lightning bolts.
  • Thousand Spears (Thousand Spear): An enhanced version of Lightning Spear which fires multiple spears of lightning.
  • Lightning Blast: An enhanced version of Lightning Spear which greatly enlarges the spear fired.


Ophanimon is responsible for the preservation of love and life in the Digital World Operation: Free Ophanimon, as well as protecting the Spirits of Flame, Ice, and Thunder. It Can't Be! Lucemon Reappears When Cherubimon is corrupted and launches a surprise attack that wounds Seraphimon, Ophanimon pleads for his life and submits to imprisonment at Cherubimon's Castle in order for this to be done, Operation: Free Ophanimon taken by a Trailmon (Angler). Workin' On The Train Gang Though locked in a cage of light, her powers aren't diminished, and so she calls upon the children of the Human World to come save them. Appearing as a simple text message asking if they want to begin, children are drawn to the Shibuya Train Station beneath Shibuya Station and taken to the Digital World. All Aboard She manages to find appropriate children to hold the Spirits among those who come, but some children refuse to leave this world, and so she directs Angemon to protect them. The Bully Pulpit She guides her DigiDestined first to the Forest Terminal where Seraphimon's sleeping body is Kumamon Baby, Light My Fire, and though that fails, she then directs them to the Rose Morning Star where she herself is being held after they attain all of their Beast Spirits. Bizarre Bazaar Ophanimon never ceases helping her chosen, managing to bring enough doubt to Velgemon's mind to prevent him from killing a defeated Koji. O, Brother, Who Art Thou?

At the Rose Morning Star, the DigiDestined manage to infiltrate Cherubimon's Castle and come face to face with their patron Digimon. Ophanimon further elaborates on the events that led up to the DigiDestined being called, up until Cherubimon interrupts. Operation: Free Ophanimon The DigiDestined figure out that by breaking the mirrored walls they can free Ophanimon, but Cherubimon makes the effort difficult by stealing the Spirits from each of the DigiDestined, and Ophanimon manages to force herself free just as he completes his task. She battles and tries to reason with Cherubimon. In a last ditch effort, Ophanimon attempts to return him to his former self, but Cherubimon is too corrupted to be healed. She takes the opportunity to steal the DigiDestined's D-Tectors and thus the Spirits back, but Cherubimon strikes down his former ally for this transgression. Ophanimon uses the last of her strength to give the DigiDestined the ability to unified spirit evolve. Takuya and Koji's Evolution Revolution

After the Royal Knights succeed in breaking Lucemon's seal by scanning the Digital World, Ophanimon hatches on the Yellow Moon into Punimon, who immediately becomes Salamon, and then renews her bonds with the other Celestial Digimon. When Knights Fall... Their divine powers allow them to protect Bokomon and Neemon from battle The Brothers Yin and Yang and when the DigiDestined lose heart against Lucemon, a ghostly Ophanimon appears from Salamon to provide moral support. At the end of it all, Salamon thanks the DigiDestined for saving their world. End of the Line


As Ophanimon
  • Eden's Javelin: Radiates a beam of purifying light from its javelin.
  • Sefirot Crystal: Manifest ten crystals between its hands, in a Sefirot formation, and fires them.

Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Digimon Encyclopedia: Digimon Frontier Character/Cast List
  2. This attack is named "Seven Heavens" in the Digimon Series Memorial Book: Digimon Animation Chronicle.
  3. Digimon BattleSpirit 2
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