Coachmon is a Super Appmon, who was formerly an underling of Leviathan, and later on he joined the App Drivers.
On January 27, Coachmon is introduced as one of Leviathan's underlings, calling Mienumon a "demon."
On February 25, however, he puts Eri into some special training. After she manages to get through, he betrays Leviathan causing Mienumon to order Virusmon to infect Weatherdramon with the L-Virus, causing him to attack them. Coachmon allows Eri to use his chip which she App Fuses with Dosukomon resulting in Oujamon. After Oujamon defeats him, Weatherdramon then reveals himself to be the final 7code Appmon, but his chip gets stolen by Mienumon before team Haru can complete Dantemon. The Road to the Top Idol! Coachmon's Intensive Training
Other Forms
App Fusions
Notes and references
Digimon Universe App Monsters | |
Main characters: | Haru Shinkai | Eri Karan | Torajiro "Astora" Asuka | Rei Katsura | Yujin Ozora |
Appmon: | Gatchmon | Dokamon | Musimon | Hackmon | Offmon |
App Fusion partners: | Navimon, Timemon, and Charismon | Perorimon, Coachmon, and Beautymon | Recomon, Dreammon, and Fakemon | Protecmon, Dezipmon, and Biomon | Bootmon |
Allies: | Ai Kashiki | Minerva | Denemon Shinkai | Dantemon | Hajime Katsura | Agumon |
Antagonists: | Leviathan | Cameramon | Shotmon | Mienumon | Sakusimon | Virusmon | Cometmon | Drawmon | Tweetmon | Satellamon | Knight Unryuji | Ultimate 4 | Deusmon |
Other characters: |
Takeru "Watson" Wato | Caught-Up Old Man | 7code Appmon | Appliyama 470 | Sukasimon | Other characters |
Other media: |
Manga | Appmon Academy!! | 3DS game | Data Carddass | Card Game |
See also: | Appmon | Net Ocean | AR-Field | App Drive | App Drive Duo | Appmon Band | Appmon Seven Code Band | Appmon Chip | L-Corp | Human Applification Project | Digimon Universe | List of episodes |