Digimon Project (デジモンプロジェクト, Dejimon Purojekuto?), originally known as Digimon Project 2021 (デジモンプロジェクト2021, Dejimon Purojekuto 2021?), is a series of Live Action shorts, featuring humans alongside 3D Digimon Models, made to promote the Vital Bracelet Digital Monster.
The Digimon Analyzers in New Digital Monster Begins are untranslated. From Digimon Identified Memory onwards, the Analyzers use localized terms such as "Champion" instead of the Japanese "Adult" and "Tyrannomon" instead of the Japanese "Tyranomon". This is despite the episodes being released on Bandai's Japanese Youtube channel.
Plot summary
Main article: List of Digimon Project episodes
Main article: List of characters in Digimon Project
Actor | Role(s) |
Koutaro Natsume | Protagonist[1][2] |
Eriya | Agumon's Tamer[2] |
Neo Satou | Palmon's Tamer[3][2] |
Notes and references
- ↑ Stardust: 夏目航太朗"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Digimon Project 2021, Recap:VITAL BRACELET
- ↑ Amuse: "Media Web 2021年4月19日 YouTube バンダイ「デジモンプロジェクト2021 」 出演決定