The Digivolving Spirits (超進化魂, Chou Shinka Tamashī?, lit: "Super-evolving Spirits") are a series of digivolving figures released by Tamashii Nations with some of them being remakes of the earlier Digivolving Series figures. The figures come in two forms, focusing on the "cute" pre-digivolution form, and the "cool" post-digivolution forms. The figures incorporate both plastic and die cast and come with an official Bluefin distribution logo. Each figure also comes with a new official art work of the Digimon illustrated by Kenji Watanabe. The North American releases, with the exception of Gatomon, use the original Japanese names rather than the existing localised dub names.
Prototypes for Guilmon/Gallantmon, Impmon/Beelzemon Blast Mode, Biyomon/Garudamon, Palmon/Lillymon, Gomamon/Zudomon, as well as an Ouryumon figure able to transform into the Ouryuken as an accessory for Alphamon to allow DNA digivolution to Alphamon Ouryuken were also shown, though as of yet are unreleased.
Figure | Base Form | Digivolved Form | Release Date |
Digivolving Spirits 01: WarGreymon | Agumon |
WarGreymon |
(JA:): November, 2017 (NA:) December, 2017 |
Digivolving Spirits 02: MetalGarurumon | Gabumon |
MetalGarurumon |
(JA:): January, 2018 (NA:) February, 2018 |
Digivolving Spirits 03: Diablomon | Keramon |
Diablomon |
(JA:): March, 2018 (NA:) April, 2018 |
Digivolving Spirits 04: Angewomon | Gatomon |
Angewomon |
(JA:): May, 2018 (NA:) July, 2018 |
Digivolving Spirits 05: Alphamon | Dorumon |
Alphamon |
(JA:): July, 2018 (NA:) August, 2018 |
Digivolving Spirits 06: AtlurKabuterimon | Tentomon |
AtlurKabuterimon |
(JA:): September, 2018 (NA:) October, 2018 |
Digivolving Spirits 07: HolyAngemon | Patamon |
HolyAngemon |
(JA:): December, 2018 (NA:) February, 2019 |
Digivolving Spirits 08: BlackWarGreymon | BlackAgumon |
BlackWarGreymon |
(JA:): March, 2019 (NA:) May, 2019 |