A Crown of Wishes is an upcoming Disney+ live-action Original Series, based on the book of the same name. Avantika is set to star as the titular character and executive produce.[1]
A Crown of Wishes is a fantasy series rooted in Hindu mythology. The novel centers on Princess Gauri (Avantika), who is imprisoned after a failed siege against her malevolent brother, the King of Bharata. When Gauri is exiled from her kingdom, she reluctantly teams up with Vikram, an untrustworthy prince from a rival neighboring land, to enter the Tournament of Wishes. One wish will be granted to the winner, and though Princess Gauri and Prince Vikram have differing agendas, they will be forced into an uneasy alliance—and unexpected romance—while saving both their kingdoms.
Main Cast
- Avantika as Princess Gauri
- TBA as The King of Bharata
- TBA as Prince Vikram
External links