"A Ringlin' Jinglin' Christmas" is a Christmas theme song of The Six Tasks of Snowman Hank, sung by Snowman Hank. It was performed in the Kim Possible Christmas episode, "A Very Possible Christmas", where at the end was sung by Dr. Drakken, and Ron along with Shego and the Possible family.
It's not the turkey and the stuffing
Or the gifts around the tree
It's a warm and fuzzy feeling
That begins with you and me
So put away those petty problems
And embrace your fellow man
And join the celebration
All across this wonderful land
Have a ringling, jingling,
Chris Cringling Christmas
Ring a ling a ling. Ring a ling a ling
Have a hop a long, sing a long happy holiday
(Ho, ho, ho, ho!)
And when the snow starts drifting
We'll hoist a hearty cheer
For the rootingest, tootingest,
Halfalootingest favourite time of year