"Animal Snack Time" is the fifty-third episode of Little Einsteins. It premiered on May 2, 2008, and is the twenty-fifth episode in the second season.
The team is in Africa, where Rocket is playing with the baby animals. Rocket has three buttons which allow him to transform into animal power: a giraffe, a chimpanzee, and an elephant. They hear their stomachs growling and they know that they're hungry so Rocket gives them a basket full of animal food. But then, Big Jet steals the basket so that he can eat all of them and it is up to the team to retrieve the three treats from Big Jet before he eats them all up.
- African Pottery
- The kids are sitting in their seats throughout the majority of the episode.
- This is one of few episodes where the kids are already in their seats when the blast-off sequence begins.
- When Leo says "Baby Elephant likes baobab chips.", the captions read "BABY ELEPHANT LIKES [INDISTINCT] CHIPS.".
- Baby Chimp makes his second appearance since He Speaks Music!.