Ivan Wexler (better known as Blind Ivan), is an antagonist in the series Gravity Falls. He was head a group of people who keep the secrets of town a mystery and erase others' memories of the events by using an invention, created by Old Man McGucket that makes them forget.
Role in the series
In "Society of the Blind Eye", Ivan oversees the erasing of Lazy Susan's memories after she discovers Gravity Falls' population of gnomes. When Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Wendy, and Old Man McGucket learn of the society's intentions, he later takes part in a manhunt to capture and warp the group's memories of their summer, however, he is defeated by McGucket, who has grown immune to the device's effects due to his fractured psyche. Ultimately, Dipper resolves to ironically erase Ivan and the other society member's memories of the existence of the Blind Eye Society, with Ivan's deep ties in the organization causing him to suffer long-term memory loss. Having lost complete knowledge of his identity, Mabel convinces him he is a traveling banjo minstrel named "Toot-Toot McBumbersnazzle", a role that Ivan happily adapts to by singing his name with joy and pride.
Ivan is briefly seen at the Woodstick festival in "The Love God", wandering around with a puzzled but content smile, implying he is still suffering from his memory loss.
In "Weirdmageddon Part 1", the gearshift in the car that Bill Cipher summons strangely resembles Ivan's head. However, it is unknown if this was the real Blind Ivan turned into an auto part.