Conan (also known as The Huge Warrior) is a minor character in the 2012 Pixar film, Brave, known for his relative hugeness. He is accidentally presented to Merida in the place of Wee Dingwall by Lord Dingwall, initially making everyone think that he was Lord Dingwall's son. According to director Mark Andrews, the gag is his favourite in the film. As the Clans are leaving DunBroch, he is seen flirting with Maudie.
- Conan is not named during the film, but the name Conan was used in development, according to Mark Andrews.
- Conan wears a small kilt, rather than the great kilts worn by everyone else in the film.
- As the three clans are fighting and arrows are fired at Clan Dingwall, while the rest of the clan ducks out of the way, he simply catches one.