"Daisy's Grasshopper" is the seventy-eighth episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It originally aired on Playhouse Disney on November 8, 2010, and is the eleventh episode in the third season.
Daisy searches for her new friend, Wilbur The Grasshopper.
- Wayne Allwine as Mickey Mouse
- Russi Taylor as Minnie Mouse
- Bill Farmer as Goofy/Pluto
- Tony Anselmo as Donald Duck
- Tress MacNeille as Daisy Duck
- Jim Cummings as Fisherman Pete
- Corey Burton as Ludwig Von Drake
- Toodles
- Wilbur The Grasshopper
- Bouncing Shoes
- Four Building Blocks
- Two Hippos
- A Kangaroo (Mystery Mousketool)
End credits
- Recapping what mouseketool Mickey and the gang used to hop to the top of the tallest tree to find Wilbur.
- In the beginning of the episode, Minnie appears along with Mickey.
- At the end of the episode, Mickey says, "Thanks for hopping by."
- This episode was produced in 2009, according to the credits.
- Before the last Mousketool segment, Mickey does ask the viewers to summon Toodles. Instead, he just summons the little guy, followed by the other members of The Sensational Six do the same afterwards.
- This is the second time the Glove Balloon flies away without a pilot. The first time was in "Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt".