"Disco Pups" is an animated short based on the series 101 Dalmatian Street.
Dolly, Roxy & Snowball are trying to make a dance video together; however, while Dolly & Snowball are able to get the moves down, Roxy accidentally trips and leads to a pile-up. Dolly & Roxy are amused by the video, but Snowball angrily deletes the video and tries teaching the two of them other dances to get the perfect video.
After numerous attempts, Snowball grows more and more angry. This soon leads to her bouncing about in a rage. Dolly & Roxy realize the three can use this as their dance video, which they record and Snowball seems to accept this as they dance together.
- This is one of four 101 Dalmatian Street shorts to feature actual dialogue, in this case, Snowball repeatedly yelling "Nie" ("No" in Polish).
- The other shorts to feature dialogue are _target Pups, Prank Pups & Yoga Pups.