"Fear Window" is the twenty-second episode of 101 Dalmatian Street. It premiered on Disney Channel UK on September 1, 2019 and premiered on Disney XD in the United States on April 12, 2021[1].
Dolly is bedbound with a cone to prevent her from itching herself and entertains herself by spying on the neighbours.
Through some unspecified means, Dolly is pillow bound with a leg cast and cone and is told not to scratch herself by Delilah. Dylan is left in charge of watching her for the day, much to her irritation. As Dolly continues to grow bored, Dylan empathetically gives her his telescope so that she can look out the window and view her surroundings. Dolly immediately takes to it, but soon notices Clarissa tossing out various items in the garbage. Well aware of the fact that she would never take out the trash, Dolly begins to suspect that something is up with her. She tells Dylan about what she saw, but he refuses to believe her. However, she is further convinced when she witnesses Clarissa tearing the face off of a painting of Hugo and begins to suspect that she murdered her owner. Dylan once again finds this ludicrous.
Dolly continues to spy on Clarissa well into the night and finds Hugo's hair in the trash and his shoe in the ground. She gets Diesel to dig up more evidence in her backyard and manages to convince Dylan that there is something strange going on and hopes to have Clarissa kicked out of her home for it. Dylan contacts Pearl, but they see what looks like Clarissa being petted by Hugo. Dolly still refuses to believe that Clarissa is innocent and threatens Dylan with keeping him up late at night. Dylan sneaks into Clarissa's house and is convinced that a he stepped into a pool of blood (actually just ketchup) and furthermore witnesses Clarissa getting petted by a horrifying recreation of Hugo and is convinced of Clarissa's treachery.
Having lost her flashlight to warn Dylan, Dolly jumps out the window in an attempt to rescue him. Clarissa is catches wind that someone is in her house and chases Dylan back into his home. Dolly falls through the top window and is shocked to discover Hugo alive and well. It turns out that Hugo had traveled to get a hair transplant, revealing that he has been wearing a wig this whole time, and implying that Clarissa just missed him. When Clarissa sees Hugo "coddling" Dolly, she angrily attacks her owner; ruining his hair. Dolly returns home and tells Dylan everything. The next day, Diesel scares Dolly with the strange Hugo face, but has a good laugh afterwards.
- Josh Brener as Dylan
- Michaela Dietz as Dolly
- Abigail Zoe Lewis as Dallas
- Lauren Lindsay Donzis as Destiny and Déjà Vu
- Ella Kenion as Delilah
- Bert Davis as Diesel
- Margot Powell as Dorothy
- Harriet Carmichael as Clarissa
- Rufus Jones as Hugo and Constantin
- Bethan Wright as Prunella Pug
- Aimee-Ffion Edwards as Arabella
- Tameka Empson as Pearl
- The episode's title and aspects of its premise are a parody of the Alfred Hitchcock film Rear Window, with Dolly in the James Stewart role as an injured window observer of what appears to be a murder.
- Max Louabaresse's work on this Episode won "101 Dalmatian Street" the "Industry Excellence Award" in the Field of Storyboarding, at the Manchester Animation Festival, in November 2019.