"From Hippsodeth, with Love" is the 76th episode of Aladdin that aired on February 20, 1995. It is the 63rd episode to air in syndication.
In the palace gardens, Aladdin and Jasmine are having fun together near the water-fountain and they soon share a kiss, however unknown to either of them, high above on the palace balcony Iago, Abu and the Sultan are watching them. While Iago and Abu are disgusted of seeing the two kissing each other, the Sultan finds it romantic and starts to express all reactions of people being in love. Genie then suddenly appears and believing that Sultan is sick tries to heal him. The Sultan assures Genie he is fine and reveals he was just thinking how nice it would be to fall in love, but brushes it off and believing he's too old for romance and leaves.
Meanwhile, a man named King Pector flies to Galifem and wants Queen Hippsodeth to love him. Hippsodeth, however, says that she has romantic interests in the Sultan, which makes Pector jealous. Hippsodeth sends Sultan a love letter. Aladdin and his friends see the letter and they have a feeling that something bad will happen to Sultan, so they try to hide it from him. Iago writes an insult on the letter and Genie sends it back to Galifem.
Hippsodeth reads the letter and gets angry, thinking it was the Sultan who wrote the insult (that he'd be "crackers" to go out with her). Pector also reads it and is ready to fight the Sultan. He throws his lightning at the palace and the gang sees that it says that Pector is going to fight Sultan. So Jasmine suggests that they make Aladdin disguise himself as the Sultan so he can come up with an explanation. Aladdin agrees and they all go to sleep.
Scara and the other Galifem warriors kidnap Aladdin and put him in the dungeon. The next day, Abu frees Aladdin and the two escape. When Pector gets to Agrabah, he sees Aladdin, who he mistakes for the Sultan, and fights him. When the Sultan sees what's going on, Pector sees him and grabs him. Queen Hippsodeth and Scara show up to stop Pector.
After the fight, Hippsodeth talks to Sultan about the insult on the letter and everyone realizes that it was Iago who wrote it. Jasmine tells her father that the reason they hid the letter from him is that they didn't want him to get hurt. Sultan tells her that it's for him to decide what he wants to do and he decides to accept Hippsodeth's love. Pector now has a romantic interest on Scara. Later, the Sultan is going on a date with Hippsodeth, despite Iago's protest.
- The title is a reference to the Bond film "From Russia With Love".
- This episode marks Queen Hippsodeth's final appearance.