Gabriella is a recurring character in the animated series The Little Mermaid. She is a deaf Latina mermaid who communicates in American Sign Language. Her friend Ollie, an octopus, serves as her interpreter.
Gabriella is a young mermaid who becomes a close friend of Ariel. She appears to live outside of Atlantica, but sometimes comes to visit. Like Ariel, she is curious and inquisitive, with an adventurous spirit. She shares a close friendship with Ollie, who serves as her interpreter, as Gabriella is deaf and communicates exclusively through American Sign Language (ASL); however, she can also lip-read.
Physical appearance
Gabriella is a Latina mermaid with brown hair and green eyes. She has a pink tail and wears a pink bikini top.
Powers and abilities
- Mermaid Physiology: As a mermaid, Gabriella possesses superhuman attributes, such as superhuman durability, speed and senses.
- Superhuman Durability: Gabriella is far more durable than normal humans and certain aquatic creatures, being able to withstand the immense underwater pressures.
- Superhuman Speed: Gabriella is much faster than normal humans and certain aquatic creatures. She can move at blur-like speeds while underwater.
- Superhuman Senses: Gabriella's senses are far more developed than normal humans and certain aquatic creatures, allowing her to see clearly in the dark.
- Aquapathy: Gabriella is capable of understanding and communicating with other aquatic creatures, albeit only with creatures that are sentient.
- Aquatic Breathing: Gabriella is capable of breathing both on land and in the water indefinitely.
- Thermoendurance: Gabriella is immune to extremely cold or hot temperatures and environments.
- Expert Swimmer: Gabriella is a highly skilled swimmer, being able to swim in a dolphin-like manner.
- Sign Language: Due to being deaf, Gabriella uses sign language as a way to communicate with other individuals.
- Deafness: Gabriella is deaf, so she uses sign language to communicate with others.
The Little Mermaid: The Series
Gabriella first appeared in the episode "Wish Upon a Starfish", where she meets Ariel after seeing Ariel express her desire to dance. Gabriella expresses a desire to be able to sing (despite not knowing what singing is), and convinces Ariel to come with her to seek out the magical Wishing Starfish. The two girls find the Starfish after facing many dangers together, but he is revealed to be a fraud. The girls are saddened, but Ariel reminds Gabriella that she expresses herself beautifully through her sign language.
Gabriella would reappear in the episode "Ariel's Treasures". Gabriella returns to visit Ariel and is introduced to Ariel's extensive collection of human objects. However, Ursula, as part of a plot, casts a spell over the collection, causing each item to attack other fish and merpeople. The two girls are able to stop the spell, but only by destroying each object.
- The character of Gabriella was based on a girl who was a huge fan of the original film, but lost a battle with leukemia during the show's first season.[1]
- Despite being deaf and Ollie affirming that she cannot hear at all, Gabriella is often seen reacting and responding to the speaking and singing of other characters without Ollie interpreting their words for her.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Mendoza, N.F. (October 22, 1993). "2-Year-Old Girl Lives On in ‘Mermaid’ : Television: Disney animators introduce a new character based on Gabriella Angelina Bommino, who died of leukemia last year.". Los Angeles Times.