"Goodbye, Farewell" is one of three original songs featured in the 2018 film Christopher Robin. It is sung in the beginning of the film by the residents of the Hundred Acre Wood as a send-off song for the title character before he leaves the Wood behind for boarding school.
Dum, dee dum, dee dum dee dum dee dum, dee
Dum, dee dum, dee dum dee dum dee dum
Goodbye, farewell, be on your merry way
We are going to miss you every single day
So long, adieu, ta-ta, and toodle-oo
On my merry way, I'll always think of you
On land, or sand, or gravel,
Or where the roads we travel, unravel
It's more fun with two
It's always me and you
And together, we will stay
Dum, dum, dee dum, dee dum dee dum dee dum
Da-da-da dai dum, dee dum
Through warm or stormy weather,
We'll always be together forever
For within my heart
If we should ever part
We'll be never far away from each other
We'll be never far away
Dum, dum, dee dum, dee dum dee dum dee dum, dum
Dum, dee dum, dee dum dee dum dee dum, dum
Dum, dee dum, dee dum dee dum dee dum, dum, dum