Knotgrass, Thistlewit, and Flittle, also known as the Flower Pixies, are three pixies who appear in the 2014 film Maleficent and it's 2019 sequel. Though not outright vilifying them like King Stefan, they are portrayed in a rather unpleasant light, as they are depicted as an incompetent, bumbling, and comically inept trio of pixies, compared to their matured and competent counterparts in the original 1959 film.
Like in the origina 1959 film The Pixies grant the infant Aurora magical gifts, but when Maleficent places a curse on the young princess, they take her into hiding and raise her as their niece. They claim they are very good with children, but it turns out they are incapable of looking after Aurora, so while they struggle living like humans, Maleficent secretly cares for the princess from a distance and through Diaval while at the same time, pranks the trio just to kill her boredom.
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
The Three Fairies cheer with excitement as Prince Phillip proposes to Aurora. Later, the Pixies and all the other residents of the Moors are invited to the wedding. During the climax, they get trapped in the chapel and are attacked with red metal dust released by Gerda that strips the creatures of their magic and sentience. Flittle sacrifices herself by going inside the organ and stop the flow of dust. Knotgrass and Thistlewit avenge her death by making Gerda fall to her presumed death when she tries to get the organ working again.
At the wedding, Knotgrass and Thistlewit argue over the color of Aurora's wedding dress and keep changing it between pink and green. When the dress turns blue, they turn to a regenerating Flittle telling her how they like the color.
See also