"Mickey's Show and Tell" is the eighty-seventh episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It originally aired on Disney Jr. on June 24, 2011, and is the twentieth episode in the third season.
Mickey's having "Show and Tell with Shapes" and everybody's bringing their favorite shapes. Martian Mickey visits the clubhouse for the presentation. He brings 5 pet 3d shapes: a red sphere, a purple cube, a pink cone (the only female pet shape), a green cylinder and an orange pyramid. But then, Donald, who's trying to take a picture of Martian Mickey, accidentally trips and drops his camera, which takes a picture of the pet shapes instead, and they all run away and hide near shapes that are the same shape as they are. Earth Mickey, Minnie, and Pluto must help Martian Mickey find each and every one of his pets before Show-and-Tell begins.
- A Hot Dog (used second; to lure the pet cylinder)
- A Tissue (used third; to blow Pluto's nose)
- A Big Net (used first; to catch the bowling balls)
- Mystery Mouseketool; Jet Shoes (used fourth; to catch the pet cone)
- Martian Mickey was first introduced in the episode "Mickey's Message from Mars".
- A running joke in this episode: A character is seen with a group of a certain item for the presentation. The character says they have a certain number of said item, but then count one more than the number they specified, as one of Martian Mickey's shapes is hiding among the items.
- When Disney Jr. launched as a standalone channel on March 23, 2012, this was the first episode broadcast.
- The audio when Mickey tells everyone to call for Toodles quickly is recycled from Mickey's Big Band Concert.
- The audio when Mickey says "What's today's Mystery Mouseketool?" is also recycled from Choo-Choo Express.
- This episode was produced in 2009, according to the credits.
End credits
- Recapping the different kinds of pet shapes Martian Mickey brought.