
Minnie's Mystery

"Minnie's Mystery" is the fiftieth episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It premiered on January 24, 2009, and is the twenty-third episode in the second season.


Template:Expand section Minnie attempts to find who took her fresh-baked muffins from the clubhouse to Mickey Park to look for mystery surprises.



  • A hammer (to fix Chip and Dale's chair)
  • A garbage can (to clean up the discarded muffin wrappers and apple cores)
  • A microphone (to listen for the mystery guest)
  • A magnifying glass (Mystery Mouseketool, to look closely at the paw prints on Donald's blanket)

Picture Puzzle

  • Bear cub


  • The mystery guest who took Minnie's muffins was a baby bear. This is foreshadowed with the bear cub image on the Picture Puzzle.
  • This is the second episode to feature Pluto in the picture puzzle segment, the first was "Mickey's Big Band Concert".
  • This episode was produced in 2008, according to the credits.
  • The catchphrase "We've used all our mouseketools. Say, 'Super Cheers!'" audio was taken from some episodes of Season 1.
  • The audio of Mickey Minnie and Donald saying “Mystery Mouseketool!” From Clarabelle’s Clubhouse Carnival, and Daisy saying “Mystery Mouseketool!” From Goofy Baby both play at the same time.
  • The audio of Mickey and Minnie saying “Oh Toodles!” When they need the First Mouseketool (Garbage Can) is recycled from Pluto to the Rescue.

End Credits

  • Recapping the clues that led to who the mystery guest was.


  • Chip and Dale telling Mickey and Minnie that someone sat in their chair and broke it references the fairy tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
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