Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Wreck and Roll! is a graphic novel based on the Marvel/Disney animated series Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. The novel was written by Stephanie Williams and drawn by Asia Simone. It was released on April 2, 2024.
Following the debut of her original Disney+ show, Lunella Lafayette—AKA the smartest person in the Marvel Universe—gets her own original graphic novel with Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur: Wreck and Roll!. When a rad-skating band of thieves starts going wild, it’s up to Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur to take to the streets and put a stop to their crime spree—while making sure to bust a few sweet moves along the way! But can Lunella balance fighting crime and training with her all-new, all awesome derby team—especially when it turns out that team might be up to no good? Set against the backdrop of her vibrant Lower East Side community, this hilarious graphic novel with a diverse cast of characters will be a hit with kids everywhere when it hits shelves on April 2.
- Moon Girl
- Devil Dinosaur
- Casey Calderon
- Collector
- Unnamed roller blading villains
- While the series is described as a Disney+ original, the series actually premiered on Disney Channel.