"My Heart Would Know" is a song from the 2006 Disney/Pixar 3D computer-animated film Cars, written and performed by the late country musician Hank Williams, originally released in June 1951 on MGM Records. In the film, the song plays at Flo's V8 Cafe before Lightning McQueen speeds into Radiator Springs.
Disney's Karaoke Series: Cars also featured a cover version of the song sung by Craig Toungate as well as an instrumental version.
Hank Williams:
I could say it's over now
That I was glad to see you go
I could hate you for the way I'm feelin'
My lips could tell a lie, but My Heart Would Know.
It's a sin to make me cry
When you know I love you so
I could tell my heart that I don't miss you
My lips could tell a lie, but My Heart Would Know.
I could give you all the blame
But I'm sure the truth would show
I could tell this world I've found a new love
My lips could tell a lie, but My Heart Would Know.
I can't fool my cryin' heart
'Cause it knows I need you so
I could tell my heart I'm glad we parted
My lips could tell a lie, but My Heart Would Know.