The Passamaquoddy Schoolhouse is a location featured in the 1977 Disney musical fantasy film Pete's Dragon, directed by Don Chaffey and based on the unpublished short story by Seton I. Miller and S.S. Field. It is located in the small seaside fishing town of Passamaquoddy, Maine, and named after the Native American Indian tribe of the same name.
The schoolhouse is a one-room wooden building with a bell tower and a sign that reads “Passamaquoddy School”. It has a front porch, a chimney, and several windows. The interior is furnished with desks, chairs, a blackboard, a globe, a map, and other educational items. The schoolhouse is surrounded by a fence and a grassy yard, where children play during recess.
Role in film
Situated within the whimsical town of Passamaquoddy, the schoolhouse becomes a focal point in the narrative as it is where the character Miss Taylor, played by Jane Kean, works as a schoolteacher. The exterior of the Passamaquoddy Schoolhouse exudes charm with its classic architecture, contributing to the film's nostalgic atmosphere. Throughout the film, the schoolhouse plays a role in showcasing the close-knit community of Passamaquoddy, and its scenes contribute to the overall theme of friendship, love, and the magic that the film encapsulates. The small-town setting, complete with the schoolhouse, adds a touch of warmth and authenticity to the storyline.