Rumble's Revenge is an online game based on Disney's Gravity Falls website in which Rumble McSkirmish exacts his revenge on Dipper Pines by trapping him and his sister in a video game.
Beat all four levels and defeat Rumble at the end of the final level so that they can escape the video game world.
How to Play
- View the introduction (optional).
- Select your character.
- Use the arrow keys to move, press "X" to attack, grab or release an item or enemy, press "C" to jump and use the space bar to activate your special attack.
- Every 5,000 points, you gain an extra life. Every 10,000 points, you receive a strength upgrade.
- Extra hint: combine X and C and bit more space to move on to crazy combo.
Character appearances
- Dipper Pines
- Mabel Pines
- Multi-Bear (special attack)
- Aoshima (special attack)
- Leaderaur
- Rumble McSkirmish
Background characters
- Grunkle Stan
- Soos
- Wendy Corduroy
- Blendin Blandin
- Manly Dan
- Old Man McGucket
- Sheriff Blubs
- Gompers the Goat
- Giant vampire bat
- Schmebulock
- Mystery Shack
- Man Cave
- Gravity Falls Forest
- The City
Character stats
Dipper is the faster of the two playable characters, albeit weaker. His special attack consists of him summoning the Multi-Bear while holding a radio playing the song "Disco Girl".
Mabel is stronger than Dipper, but slower. Her special attack involves riding on Aoshima in a similar fashion to her hallucination from eating Smile Dip in "The Inconveniencing".
- Bone stick
- Grunkle Stan staff
- Milk box
- Tin Cans
- Eye Ball
- Ham
- Camera
- Water Balloon
- Ice Bag
- Broom
- Marshmallow on a stick
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