"Scrooge" is the first original song in the film The Muppet Christmas Carol. Played at the beginning of the film, it is focused on the story's central character Ebenezer Scrooge. It was performed by the cast.
Townspeople: When a cold wind blows, it chills you
Chills you to the bone
But there's nothing in nature that freezes your heart
Like years of being alone
It paints you with indifference
Like a lady paints with rouge
And the worst of the worst
The most hated and cursed
Is the one that we call Scrooge
Urchins: Unkind as any
And the wrath of many
This is Ebenezer Scrooge
Townspeople: Oh there goes Mister Humbug
There goes Mister Grim
If they gave a prize for being mean
The winner would be him
Livestock: Old Scrooge he loves his money
'Cause he thinks it gives him power
Vegetables: If he became a flavor
You can bet he would be sour
Grocer: (spoken) Even the vegetables don't like him.
Pigeons: There goes Mister Skinflint
There goes Mister Greed
Cats: The undisputed master of
The underhanded deed
Homeless people: He charges folks a fortune
For his dark and drafty houses
Us poor folk live in misery
Father Mouse: It's even worse for mouses
Daughter Mouse: (spoken) Please, sir, I want some cheese.
Carolers: He must be so lonely
He must be so sad
He goes to extremes
To convince us he's bad
He's really a victim
Of fear and of fright
Look close and there must be
A sweet man inside...
Townspeople: There goes Mister Outrage
There goes Mister Sneer
Puppeteer: He has no time for friends or fun
Crocodile puppet: His anger makes that clear
Horses: Don't ask him for a favor
Cause his nastiness increases
Horse driver: No crust of bread for those in need
Mice: No cheeses for us meeces
Townspeople: There goes Mister Heartless
There goes Mister Cruel
He never gives, he only takes
He lets his hunger rule
If being mean's a way of life
You'd practice and rehearse
Townsman: Then all that work is paying off
Both: Cause Scrooge is getting worse
All: Everyday in every way
Scrooge is getting worse!
French version
- The most important difference between the original song and its French translation is that instead of replacing the different adjectives after "There goes Mr. ..." each time this line is used, the French version always uses the two same adjectives: M. Vampire (Mr. Vampire) and M. Cœur de Pierre (Mr. Stoneheart).
- One of the only two spoken lines throughout the song, done by the daughter mouse, "Please sir, I want some cheese!" is a reference to the famous line "Please sir, I want some more!" from the book Oliver Twist, which shared the same author as A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens.