"Sock Puppet Royale" is the first segment of the fifty-seventh episode of Special Agent Oso. It premiered on October 7, 2011 alongside "Costume of Solace", and is the first segment of the thirty-third episode in the second season.
Wolfie gives Oso a training assignment to camouflage Rapide with the desert sands using Professor Buffo's new sprayer. Oso completely covers Rapide with the spray...well, all except his roof. That is when he gets a special alert. Oso decides to help a girl named Lucia make a sock puppet to use in her brother Mateo's puppet show when she doesn't have one to use.
- The episode's title is a reference to the James Bond film Casino Royale.
- Both this episode and its sister episode take place on a rainy day.
- In this episode, Oso imitates the tiger in a third-person voice before returning to a training exercise.