"Spider Slayers" is a three-part episode of the fourth season of Disney XD's Ultimate Spider-Man, compromising of the ninety-ninth to hundred-and-first episode. The episodes aired between October 8, 2016, to October 22, 2016. It was written by Paul Giacoppo, Joshua Hale Fialkovand and Marty Isenberg, and directed by Young Ki Yoon, Jae Woo Kim and Roy Burdine
Spider-Man must team with the former traitor, Scarlet Spider, to stop Doc Ock from reawakening a secret program designed to create evil duplicates of Spider-Man. (Part 1)
Spider-Man and Scarlet Spider have to infiltrate the sunken Hydra Island so Scarlet can destroy the lab that created him. (Part 2)
Spider-Man puts the Triskelion on lockdown when a mysterious villain begins to take out the heroes one at a time. (Part 3)
See Also